
Inauguration Ceremony Held for DSU Volunteer Group

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2011-07-04 08:52

Dongseo University’s ‘Volunteer Group for the Local Community’ was officially launched on March 23th. This volunteer group intends to help individuals that are experiencing hardships due to economic difficulties or physical limitations. Nearly 570 students volunteered for the program. They plan to visit about 100 institutions throughout Busan, including social welfare centers for children, youths and senior citizens. Additionally, the volunteers will perform more than 30 hours of volunteer work this semester.
Volunteers submitted the required paperwork to school authorities and then took an oath to offer their services as sincerely as possible. The school will give a credit to students who successfully complete their volunteer activities.
The President of DSU, Dr. Chang Jekuk, praised the group during the inauguration ceremony saying, “I am delighted to see students who want to do volunteer activity without any specific rewards.” He added that this will help to create a society full of happiness, improve the school’s local reputation, and provide participants with valuable rewards – be they tangible or not.
A member of the group, Song Seung Yong, who is a senior in the Division of Digital Contents, said, “When I was in high school, I did a lot of service activities at institutions for disabled people and orphans. However, since entering university, I haven’t done much to help people in need. As soon as I heard the group was being organized, I joined it enthusiastically.”