
Presidential Brown-Bag Lunch Gathering

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2011-07-04 08:53

President of DSU Chang Jekuk held an informal meeting on March 24th with faculty, staff and students. The meeting venue was at the newly built student center and highlighted a heartfelt conversation over a cup of coffee and sandwiches. The event was modeled on a town hall meeting, in which American presidents take the time to meet with local residents in an effort to explain policies and listen to suggestions.
President Chang led a sincere discussion regarding DSU’s development with professors and others who were in attendance. They discussed relevant news and exchanged opinions about the concept of “Before Dongseo, After Dongseo.” The meeting resulted in a greater sense of unity and strengthened the concept of the “DSU family”.
President Chang commented, “I want us to know each other and to keep lines of communication open. That’s why I started this event, which will be held every Thursday. If I am unable to attend because of another DSU commitment, the Vice President will attend in my place.”