
Beihua University Representatives Visit Dongseo

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2011-07-04 09:02

Tong Chengchun, Deputy President of Beihua University in Jilin, China, visited Dongseo University on April 13th, together with Dean of International Exchange & Cooperation Ryeo Young Jin, and Professor Choi Mi Ryeong from the Division of Foreign Languages. The representatives took a tour of the New Millennium Building, the Minseok Library, the Im Kwon Taek Film Archives & Research Center, and the International Education Center. Afterward, they met with DSU President Chang Jekuk.

During this visit, both universities agreed to increase cooperation and to prepare a detailed schedule of concrete steps towards achieving this goal to be taken in the future. DSU and Beihua University came to an academic cooperation agreement in June, 2009. Three institutions initially founded in the 1910s, including Jilin Education College, Jilin Medical College, and Jilin Forestry College merged to form Beihua University in 1999, which is now a top university in Jilin.