
Award Ceremony Held for Dongseo ‘Beautiful Campus’ Photo Contest

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2011-07-04 09:06

Dongseo University has held the award ceremony for the fifth ‘DSU Beautiful Campus Photo Contest.’ This year, a photo entitled ‘A Warm Spring Day on Campus’ taken by Son Mun Gyo, a senior majoring in Digital Broadcasting, was selected for the first place prize. Son said, “I’m studying hard to learn more about photos. When I was in high school, I even wanted to enter to the Department of Photography. I tried to depict real university life rather than simply a landscape. The judges rewarded me for this point.”
The work ‘It Disappears after Exam’ taken by Sim Geon Woo in the Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science and ‘Love for My University’ taken by Cho Eun Bi majoring in Visual Design were also selected for excellence.
The contest judging committee selected thirty-one photos, out of 343 submissions, and gave awards to them. The committee chairman, professional photographer Mun Jin Woo, said “Nowadays, we can easily take pictures thanks to good equipment, but we cannot easily take good pictures. If you understand the aim of the Dongseo Photo Contest deeply, then you can take good pictures.”
The award ceremony was held in the Students Plaza on May 4th. Winners received digital cameras, camera bags, USB memory sticks or gift certificates. President Chang Jekuk said at the ceremony, “Opportunities come to the person who is always attentive to what is going on around and tries to carry out his or her dream with passion. This award ceremony recognizes both the interest and passion of the winners. They were selected based on these qualities.”