
Asian University Presidents Forum

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2012-03-07 10:26

Dongseo University to Host the 2012 AUPF

The Asian University Presidents Forum will be held at Dongseo University in 2012.

At the 10th annual Asian University Presidents Forum, which was held from November 14th to 16th in Vellore India, Dongseo University was selected as the venue for the following year’s Forum. Officials stated that expectations are high and that Dongseo University should make a comprehensive effort in preparing for the event.

In the next Forum, approximately fifty university presidents will discuss development strategies along with plans for expanding exchanges between Asian universities.

While giving his keynote address on ‘Internationalization of Higher Education in the Global Era’ at the 10th Asian University Presidents Forum, DSU President Dr. Jekuk Chang stated, “Next year many university presidents will visit Dongseo University, and to host this Forum in an era of Asia is particularly meaningful. The forum will raise the international status of Dongseo University and will stimulate exchanges between Asian universities.”

Universities from 16 countries including Korea, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Japan, India, Fiji, Iran, Israel, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mongolia, Thailand, and Samoa participated in the 10th Forum, which was considered by all to be a great success.