
Succeeding In Korea by Really Wanting It

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2012-03-20 00:00

Hello, I am Huawei Cui. I graduated at the head of my class in the Department of International Business & Commerce at Dongseo University on February 16, 2012.

I’d like to recommend some useful habits I developed during my two years at a Korean university to international students, freshmen and Korean students who will study abroad.

I graduated from Weifang University of Science and Technology, which is located in Shandong Province, China. After receiving a ‘Distinguished Graduate’ award, I transferred to Dongseo University in September, 2009, with a dream of being a specialist in International Business and Commerce.

Succeeding in a foreign environment requires studying a language at a language center. Most foreign students tend to waste their time at the language center. I prepared Korean lessons and reviewed them during my six months at the language center. When I was busy, I read a text aloud in order to memorize it. It helped me to improve my Korean language skills and to study requisite courses. I often practiced Korean the whole night after starting the requisite courses in March, 2010, because I was so worried that I might not be able to understand the lessons.

There is a saying that sincerity moves heaven. Due to my diligence, I got an ‘A+’ in all courses except for one subject in my first semester. I was inspired to study even harder. I think lectures are the best time for improving Korean abilities. The reason is that students can learn grammar and vocabulary while acquiring knowledge in a major.

I was able to get help from my Korean classmates whenever I did not understand a Korean phrase or word. In my major classes, it was easy to ask for their help and to get along with them. Thanks to my classmates and professors, I received an advanced score of 6 on the TOPIK exam in February, 2011. If students have a dream that will endure for a lifetime, it is overwhelmingly fulfilling.

I gave up many things and came to Korea in order to be an International Trade Specialist. I’ve never forgotten my dream since then. Whenever I think of my dream, my mind feels refreshed. As a transfer student, I studied very hard and always prepared and reviewed the lessons of my major and cultural subjects. I tried to sit at the front of the class, and during break time I asked my professors about the parts of the lecture I could not understand.

Once, I revised my assignment until 2 a.m. in order to make it perfect. When I had to give a presentation in class, I was worried about making mistakes, so I practiced a lot in an empty classroom until it almost hurt my neck. During an exam week, I studied all night long at a library and tried to memorize the things that I had learned. I knew that I have to put more effort into my studies than other Korean students because I am a foreigner.

There is a proverb, ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way.’ In March, 2011, I was selected by the National Institute for International Education at the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology as a ‘2011 Global Korea Scholarship’ student and received a scholarship of 6 million won for one year.

In addition to the course work in my major, I completed several projects with Prof. Kim Hong Ryul of the Department of International Studies. In November 15, 2011, I gave a presentation on ‘The Mathematical Meaning of Zeroing’ under the guidance of Prof. Kim and won a ‘Participation Award’ at the 12th Student Essay Contest on International Trade organized by the Korea Trade Commission, Ministry of Knowledge & Economy. As a result of his guidance, I also graduated from Dongseo University at the head of my class at the 17th graduation ceremony on Feb 16, 2012. I’d like to sincerely thank him for all of his help.

So, let me offer these tips for succeeding in studies abroad:

1. Evaluate critically the advice senior students and friends give you.
2. Sit in the front row of the classroom.
3. Do not hesitate to ask questions
4. Memorize as much as you can.
5. Be 10 times more diligent than your peers.

I hope my story inspires you!