


  • 직위/보직 교수(정교수; Full professor)
  • 담당과목 보건행정학(Health Administration)/보건프로그램개발및평가(Health Planning, Management, and Evaluation)/공중보건학(Public Health)/보건통계학(Health Statistics)
  • 연구실 글로벌 빌리지 5층 V520호
  • 연락처 051-320-2725
  • 이메일 princesa@dongseo.ac.kr
  • 홈페이지https://www.facebook.com/hyoyoung.lee.94


2007 Ph.D., Public Health
Seoul National University, Korea 서울대학교 보건대학원(보건정책관리학과), 박사 (Ph.D)

2000 MPH., Public Health
Seoul National University, Korea 서울대학교 보건대학원(보건학), 석사 (MPH)

1997 B.A., Nursing Science
Pusan National University, Korea 부산대학교 간호학과, 학사

2012 B.A. Business Administration
Korean National Open University 한국방송통신대학교 경영학, 학사

2022 B.A. Department of Law
Korean National Open University 한국방송통신대학교 법학, 학사

2023. Department of Public Administration
Korean National Open University 한국방송통신대학교, 행정학, 학사, 석사과정 재학중


Professional Experience (경력)

Professor, Department of Health Administration, Division of Health Science, Dongseo University, 2008. 03 – present (동서대학교 보건행정학과 교수)

Visiting Researcher, Faculty of Health Science, Social and Behavioral Science in Health, University of Sydney, 2014-2015 (시드니대학교 방문 연구자, 2014-2015)

Honorary Staff (Honorary Associate), Faculty of Health Science, Social and Behavioral Science in Health, University of Sydney, 2015. 08 - 2020.07 (시드니대학교 명예 staff, 2015-2020)

Editorial Board member, Korean Academy of Rural Health Nursing (농촌간호학회 편집위원), 2024.03~present (KCI)

Editorial Board member, Journal of theoretical social psychology, 2023.12 ~present (Academic editor(편집위원), Q2 Journal)

Editorial Board member, Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion (한국보건교육건강증진학회 편집위원), 2013 – 2014 , 2019.01~present (KCI)

Chairman of University Health Education Council. 2024.01~2024.12 (전국대학보건학교육협의회 회장, 2024)

Busan Metropolitan City, Smoking cessation support center, visiting smoking cessation service, general manager(부산금연지원센터, 찾아가는 금연서비스, 부장), 2021.02~present

National Health Insurance Corporation, Busan Ulsan Branch, Senior Long-Term Care Insurance, Advisory Board(국민건강보험공단, 부산울산경남지역본부, 장기요양기관평가 자문위원). 2021.8~present

National Health Insurance Corporation, Busan Ulsan Branch, Member of Catastrophic Health Expenditure support committee, (국민건강보험공단, 부산울산경남지역본부, 재난적의료비 지원 위원회 위원)2024.03~2026.02

Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute, Member of the 15th Health Educaton specialist Examination Committee (한국보건의료국가시험원, 제15기 보건교육사시험위원회 위원), 2023.07.22~2025.07.21

Ministry of Health and Welfare, a member of evaluation committee for financial business (보건복지부, 재정사업 자율평가위원, 2023년)

Ministry of Environment, Environmental Impact Assessment Expert Advisor (환경부, 낙동강유역환경청, 환경영향평가 자문위원) 2022.08.24 - present (2024.08.23)

National Health Insurance Corporation, health management project, Part-time expert member (국민건강보험공단 건강관리사업 비상근 전문위원,) 2020. 07 – 2022.08

Busan Metropolitan City, Healthy City Support Group, Advisory Committee member(부산광역시 건강도시 지원단 자문위원), 2019. 04 - present

Busan Metropolitan City, Regional Health and Medical Plan Review Board member(부산광역시 지역보건의료계획 심의위원), 2018. 09 – present

Member of the Gijang-gun Regulatory Reform Committee, Busan, 2023.11~2025.11 (부산광역시 기장군, 규제혁신위원회, 위원, 2023~2025)

The 3rd long-term care leader course by the National Health Insurance Corporation (completion), 2018 (국민건강보험공단 제 3기 장기요양고위자 과정 수료)

Examination Board member, Korean Public officers Examination Board, 2008 –present (공무원 시험문제 출제위원, 보건행정, 법규, 보건학)

Scientific Research Manager, Korea Society of Health Service Management, 2008-2018 (학술이사, 보건의료산업학회, 2008-2018)

Assesment board member, R&D project , Ministry of Trade Industry and Energy. 2011 ~ 2014 (평가위원, 산업통산자원부, 2011-2014)

General Manager, Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion, 2013 – 2014 (총무이사, 보건교육건강증진학회, 2013-2014)

Publicity Work Manager, the Korean Council for University Health Management Education, 2013 (홍보이사, 전국보건학교수협의회, 2013)

Research Evaluation Board Member, National Rehabilitation Research Institute, 2011-2012 (연구평가위원회 위원, 국립재활연구소, 2011-2012)

Researcher, Institute of Health and Environment, Graduate school of Public Health, Seoul National University, 2006.3-2008.2 (연구원, 서울대학교 보건환경연구소, 2006-2008)

Part-Time Faculty, Department of Liberal arts (subject: Women’s Health), Hongik University, 2001-2005 (홍익대학교 시간강사, 2001-2005)

Part Time Faculty, Department of Nursing (subject: Community Health, Elderly Health, Ansan 1 University, 2001-2005 (안산 1대학 시간강사, 2001-2005)


Health Administration(보건행정학)
Public Health (공중보건학)
Medical Insurance(의료보장론)
Statistics for Health Sciences(보건통계학)
Silver Industry and Health care (노인의료산업)
Healthcare Quality Improvement(보건의료질관리)
Public Health Regulations(보건의료법규)
Development & Evaluation of Health Education(보건프로그램개발 및 평가)

자격 및 면허

2022 Health education specialist (National certificate) (보건교육사)

2017 BLS(Basic Life Support) provider, BLS instructor

2010 Hospital Administrator, the Association of Hospital Administrators/ Korean Ministry of Health & Welfare (Certificate No.13529) (병원행정사)

1997 Registered Nurse, Korean Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea (RN License: No.128347) (간호사)

1997 Secondary School Teacher, Ministry of Education, Korea (Certificate: Busan National University No. 15326) (중등교원_2급)

1997 School Health Teacher, Ministry of education, Korea (Certificate: Busan University No.708) (보건교사)


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (SSCI, SCI, SCOPUS)

Hyo Young Lee, Im Hyuk. Kyu-min Kim. Unmet Medical Needs and Influencing Factors among Korean Police Officers: A Cross-Sectional Survey, BMJ OPEN. 2024 (SCIE, SCOPUS)

Hyo Young Lee, Im Hyuk. Kyu-min Kim. Factors and Age-Related Drivers That Influence Self-Rated Bad Health in Police Officers: A Cross-Sectional Study, Preventive Medicine reports. 2024 (SCIE, SCOPUS)

Eunok Park, Hyo Young Lee. The residential, area-specific prevalence and associated factors of suicidal ideation among South Korean adolescents. Preventive Medicine reports. 2024 (SCIE, SCOPUS)

Hyo Young Lee, Seung Hun Lee, Gyu Lee Kim. A comparative study of changes in smoking cessation attempt rates and related factors before and during COVID-19. Preventive Medicine reports. 2024 (SCIE, SCOPUS)

Hyo Young Lee, Im Hyuk. Changes in walking practice and associated factors during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Preventive Medicine reports. 2023. 36, 102412 (SCIE, SCOPUS)

Young-Ran Chin, Hyo Young Lee. Evaluating person-centered care in residential care facilities from the perspective of caregivers in South Korea: A survey. BMC Health Services Research, 2023. 23(1). 1-13. (SSCI, Scopus).

Hyo Young Lee, Young-Ran Chin. Total expenditures and their drivers among older adults: A study on health and long-term care expenditures in South Korea. BMC Health Services Research, 2022. (SSCI, SCOPUS), 2022, 22(548) (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-022-07977-5)

Hyo Young Lee, Stephanie Short, Mi-Joung Lee, Yun-Hee Jeon, Eunok Park, Young-Ran Chin. Improving the quality of long-term care services in workforce dimension: expert views from Australia and South Korea. Archives of Public Health, 2022, 80 (112) (SSCI, SCOPUS)

Yu Hyeon Yi, Seung Hun Lee, Young In Lee, Hyo Young Lee, Kyoung-Min Lim. Factors associated with long-term smoking relapse in those who succeeded in smoking cessation using regional smoking cessation programs. Medicine, 2022. 101(31). doi:10.1097(SCI expanded, Scopus)

Hyo Young Lee, Bo-kyoung Hong, "Factors related to the weight control practice of Korean adults", Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, 30(4), 2021 (ESCI, SCOPUS)

Young Ran Chin, Hyo Young Lee, "Development and Validation of a PersonCentered Care Assessment Questionnaire for Daycare Centers for Older Adults", Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 2021, DOI: 10.1177/23337214211036274, (ESCI, SCOPUS)

Eunok Park, Hyo Young Lee, "Urban and rural differences in suicidal ideation and associated factors among older Koreans: Results from the Korean National Survey 2012–2013", Current Psychology, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s12144-021-01962-7, (SSCI)

Young-ran Chin, Hyo Young Lee, “Long-term monitoring of changes in blood pressure, blood glucose, and total cholesterol levels among frail older individuals receiving home health care nursing in South Korea”, International Journal of Community Health Nursing, 2021; 38(1); 13-23, https://doi.org/10.1080/07370016.2021.1869424 . (SSCI)

Stephanie Doris Short, Hyo Young Lee, Mi-Joung Lee, Eunok Pakr, Farah Purwaningrum, The Case for a reciprocal health care agreement between Australia and South Korea. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health Management, 2021; 16(1); i505 (Scopus)

Park, Eunok, Hyo Young Lee. "Environment Factors Affecting Childhood Obesity: Voices from Students, Parents, and Teachers with Photograph." Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2019; 49(3): 254-262. (SSCI)

Nam-hee Park, Hyo Young Lee et al. “The Effects of Medication Adherence and Health literacy on Health-related Quality of Life in Older People with Hypertension”, International journal of older people nursing, 2018, 13(3): e12196 (SSCI)

Eun Ok Park, Hyo Young Lee, Su-yeon Clarire Lee, “Association between sleep quality and nurse productivity among Korean clinical nurses”, Journal of Nursing Management, 2018, 26(8): 1051-1058 (SSCI)

Bo-kyung Hong, Hyo Young Lee, “Self-esteem, propensity for sensation seeking, and risk behaviour among adults with tattoos and piercings”, Journal of Public Health Research, 2017, 6: 158-163 (SCOPUS)

Hyo Young Lee, Stephanie D. Short, “Do Factors Associated Self-rated Good Health and Their Influences Differ between Males and Females across Different Age Groups in Korean and Australia? Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives, 2/2017, 8(1): 11-25 (SCOPUS)

Hyo Young Lee, Hyunmi Son, Stephanie D. Short, “Consumption of Vitamins and Associated Factors by Age Group, Asian Journal of Epidemiology, 12/2016, 10(1): 10-18 (SCOPUS)

Eunok Park, Hyo Young Lee, “"Factors Influencing Suicidal ideation among Korean Adults by Age: Results of the 2010-2011 Korean Health and Nutrition Examination Survey", Community Mental Health, 2015; 51; 987-993. (SSCI)

Youngran Chin, Insook Lee, Hyo Young Lee, “The Effects of Hypertension, Diabetes, and/or Cardiovascular Disease on Health-related Quality of Life in Elderly Korean Individuals” Asian Nursing Research, 2014; 8(4):267-73 (SSCI)

Im Hyuk, Ki young Lee, Hyo Young Lee, ”Acculturation stress and mental health among marriage migrant women in Busan, South Korea” Community Mental Health, 2014; 50(4); 497-504 (SSCI)

Young Ran Chin, Eun Sun So, Hyo Young Lee, “Sucicidal ideation and associated factors by sex in Korean adults” International Journal of Public Health. 2011; 56: 429-239 (SSCI)

Lee, H.Y., Jang, S.N., Lee, S.J., Cho, S.I., Park, E.O., “The relationship between social participation and self-rated health by sex and age: A cross-sectional survey” International journal of nursing studies. 2008.07; 45(7): 1042-1054 (SSCI)

S.J, Seo, H.Y. Lee, S.W. Lee, “The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in Korean children and adolescents: Comparisons of the criteria of Cook et al., Cruz and Goran, and Ferranti et al” 2008.08. YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL, 49(4), 563-572 (SCIE)


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (KCI)

Bo-Kyoung Hong, Hyo Young Lee, A study on awareness of long-term care insurance and willingness to use long-term care services for the elderly -Focusing on Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam regions-, The Korean Journal of Health Service Management, 2024,17(1).

Hyo Young Lee, Yun-Hee Kim (2023). The changes of indexes of health behaviors and health status by the operation of community health centers in a local community. Korean Society of Alcohol Science and Health Behavior. 2023. 12.31. 24(2)

Hyo Young Lee, Seungwoo Kang (2023). A Review of Foreign Community Interventions to improve Walking Practices. Korean Society of Alcohol Science and Health Behavior. 2023. 6.30. 24(1)

Bo-Kyoung Hong, Hyo Young Lee, Relationship between COVID-19 stress and stress coping methods among college/university students, The Korean Journal of Health Service Management, 2022,16(4)

Bo-Kyoung Hong, Hyo Young Lee, Effects of Perceived COVID-19 Stress on Depression in College Students -Focus on the Mediating Effect of Positive Psychological Capital, The Korean Journal of Health Service Management, 2022,16(3),73-86

Hyo Young Lee, Hyuk Im, Kyu-hee Lee, Kyu-min, Kim. A Focus Group Interview on the Support Needs and Experiences towards Health Management among Police Officers, Social Welfare Policy and Practice, 2022, 8(2). (KCI)

Laki Kim, Minkyung Kim, Hyo Young Lee, Eun Kyu Shin, Soojeong Kim, Changes in the Awareness of International Development Cooperation among Students, International Development Cooperation and Healthcare, Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine, 2022, 10(2), 61~72 (KCI)

Kwangwook Koh, Hyesook Kim, Hyo Young Lee, Changes in Korean alcohol-related policies and directions of those responses, Korean Society of Alcohol Science and Health Behavior, 22(1), 2021. 6 (KCI)

Hyesook Kim, Hyo Young Lee, Kwangwook Koh, Changes in Alcohol-related Policies and Implications in Korean Health Plans, Korean Society of Alcohol Science and Health Behavior, 22(1), 2021. 6 (KCI)

Kyeong-Na Kim, Hyo-Young Lee, Soo-Jeong Kim. "Factors Related to Cognitive Function Decline by Socio-demographic and Health-related Characteristics: Based on Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (KLoSA) Panel Data." The Korean Journal of Health Service Management 14(1); 137-146 (2020). (KCI)

Hyo Young Lee, et al. "Study of the Drinking Environment, Drinking Culture and Behavior for the Development of an Alcohol Intervention Program." The Korean Journal of Health Service Management 14.1 (2020): 177-194. (KCI)

Hyo Young Lee, et al. "The Relationships among Drinking Behaviors, Sober Motivation, and Drinking Problems of Citizens living in an Urban Area." The Korean Journal of Health Service Management 14(2). (2020): 79-91. (KCI)

Hyo-Young Lee, et al. "Characteristics of people who drink alone-Focusing on the differences between old-city regions and other regions in Busan." The Korean Journal of Health Service Management 13(3). (2019): 149-162. (KCI)

Hyo-Young Lee, et al. "Do the associated factors with high-risk drinking differ by smoking." Korean Journal of Health Education Promotion 36(3). (2019): 15-25. (KCI)

Young-ran Chin, Hyo Young Lee, “General Health Status and Physical Care Burdens by Patients Groups in Long-Term Care Hospitals”, The Korean Journal of Health Service Management, 3/2018:81-93 (KCI)

Hyo Young Lee, Eun Ok Park, “The Feasibility of Reciprocal Health Care Agreements between South Korea and Australia”, The Korean Journal of Health Service Management, 11/2017, 11(4): 225-237(KCI)

Hyo Young Lee, Eun-Ok Park, “Effects of Housework Burdens and Social·family Supports on Poor Self-rated Health among the Married Women”, The Korean Journal of Health Service Management, 12/2016, 10(4): 179-196 (KCI)

Young-Ran Chin, Hyo-Young Lee, “Contents Analysis of Media on Long-term Care Insurance”, The Korean Journal of Health Service Management, 06/ 2016, 10(2): 155-166 (KCI)

Im Hyuk, Hyo Young Lee, “Understanding the forming process of cultural competence among service providers in multi-cultural settings” The Journal of Vocational Education Research 2014; 33(1): 201-221 (KCI)

Eun-Hee Chae, Hyo Young Lee,” The present state of training system for mental health professionals” The Korean Journal of Health service Management 2014; 8(1): 175-189. (KCI)

Young Ran Chin, Hyo Young Lee, “Development of an Evaluation Instrument for Education Services Quality in Learning Facilities for Care Workers” The Korean Journal of Health service Management 2013; 7(4): 33-47 (KCI)

Eun-Hee Chae, Hyo Young Lee, “Tasks for Present and Future of National Mental Health Promotion in Korea: Focused on Inter-Sector Collaborations” Journal of Health Education and Promotion 2013; 30(4) (KCI)

Hyo Young Lee, Im hyuk, Hae Suk Kim, “Factors Relating to the Mental Health of Correctional Officers” Journal of Health Education and Promotion 2013; 30(3):47-58 (KCI)

Im Hyuk, Hyo Young Lee, Hae Suk Kim, “Correctional Officer's Mental Health Management and Promotion” The Korean Journal of Health service Management 2013; 7(3): 1-13 (KCI)

E. Park, S. J. Choi, H. Y. Lee, “The prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Related Risk Factors Based on the KNHANES V 2010”, Journal of Agricultural Medicine and Community Health, 2013 March;38(1):1-13 (KCI)

Y. R. Chin, H. Y. Lee, “Contents Analysis on the Media about Problems of Long-Term Care Facilities” The Korean Journal of Health service Management, 2013 March; 7(1): 119-131 (KCI)

H. Im, H.S. Kim, H.Y. Lee, “Institutional Supports and Job Education Needs for Correctional officers' Mental Health Prevention & Management”, The Journal of Vocation Education Research, 2013 February; 32(1): 119-139 (KCI)

H. Im, H.Y. Lee, “Resilience and Mental among Migrant Workers in Busan, Korea”, Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion 2012 December; 29(5): 13-26 (KCI)

Y. R. Chin, H. Y. Lee, “Comparing standards and guidelines of long-term care facilities based on physical environment and manpower in Korea, Japan, USA, and Australia” Korean Jouranl of Health Policy & Administration, 2012 September; 22(3): 403-426 (KCI)

S. M. Park, H.Y. Lee, H. Im, E.H. Chae, H. S. Kim, “Development of the Expert Education Program for the Management of Mental Health Prevention”, The Korean Journal of Health service Management, 2012 June; 6(2):219-234