Dept. of Film & VideoIntroduction

Dept. of Film & Video

Im Kwon-taek College of Arts, Department of Film

Film is an art form that captures special moments in our daily lives. Movies have the power to make us laugh or cry, and they transport us to new worlds. I'm excited to share this extraordinary cinematic journey with you!

<Major educational goals>

01. Practical film production education rooted in storytelling, a fundamental element of the film industry.

Establishing a solid foundation for storytelling through scenario writing, acting directing, and scenario workshop 1 and 2 subjects

  1. 02. Cultivating professional filmmakers through detailed majors such as scenario, directing, planning and production, filming, sound, and editing and in-depth education for each major.
  2. Solid major curriculum taught by 7 full-time professors in each field


03. Through the film production workshop held every semester starting from the first semester of the second year, students can produce multiple short films while attending school and gain field experience and discover their talents.

Able to make a total of 4 long and short films during 4 years of study and create one's own film.