- The Hyongpyong movement
- from the perspective of education_신진균
- 기후위기와 핵오염수 해양투기에 맞서는 아시아의 반핵운동
Asia’s anti-nuclear movement against
the climate crisis and ocean dumping of nuclear polluted water: Beyond nuclear industry and weapons,
to an Asia of life and peace_강언주
- ― 그들은 일본국민인가 한국국민인가?
- The forgotten people, Korean atomic bomb
victims in Japanese: Are they Japanese or Korean citizens?_ 김희영
Challenging Real Estate Hegemony:
How to Advocacy and Practice Housing Policy in Taiwan_詹竣傑
- Propaganda of Nationalism or Internationalism?: An Exploration of the CCP’s Nationalist
Propaganda in the Early 1930s and Its Implication on China’s Participation in the Korean War
1930年代早期所推行的民族主义宣传 及其对于中国参加韩战的启示意义_唐三骄
- 장기 코로나 시대, 중국 사회는 어떠한 교훈을 얻을 수 있을까― 향후 연구작업을 위한 시론적 접근
In the Era of Long-Term COVID
What Lessons Can Chinese Society Learn?:
An Introductory Approach to Future Research Projects_윤종석