DIS 주메뉴
조회 2,119
DIS 2020-11-13 14:10
[2020.11.17 Academic Expo-Please read it!!] Students who participate in the face-to-face event can take it to the department office right after receiving the confirmation letter, and students who participated in the zoom event can take a screenshot of the event and send it to me. ****Online Expo participants, please call the department you want to participate in and find out how to participate!
Students who have not submitted their confirmation will be notified in advance that they will be absent from all classes on November 17. Please send me a confirmation letter after you participate.
If you send it without revealing who you are, it's hard to know who you are. Please send me your identification. [2020.11.17 학술엑스포-꼭 읽어주세요!!] 확인서를 제출하시지않은 학생들은 11월 17일에 진행되는 모든 수업에 결석처리 됨을 미리 공지해드립니다. 꼭 참여하신 후 확인서를 보내주세요. sue960325@gdsu.dongseo.ac.kr 본인이 누군지 밝히지않고 보내주시면 누군지 알기 힘듭니다. 꼭 신원정보도 보내주세요. DIS 학과 사무실 051-320-2740 입니다. |