
My Bright Future

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2013-11-05 08:59

President Jekuk Chang gave a special lecture to first-year students majoring in the Divisions of Energy & Bio Engineering, Social Welfare, and Tourism at DSU’s Sohyang Art Hall on October 28th. The lecture was offered to motivate the students and provide them with some guidance regarding today’s rapidly changing world. It also served to encourage the students to aspire toward great things in their future.
Dr. Chang said, “You should have confidence in yourselves and recognize that you are talented individuals full of potential to succeed in the future.” He continued, “I hope you do not think of being successful only in Korea. Instead, you should set your sights wider and aim to succeed on the world stage.”
In his lecture, Dr. Chang shared a few success stories of recent DSU graduates. He mentioned Kim Beong-Jun, whose film “Gae Ddong Yi” was shown at this year’s Busan International Film Festival; Lee Jun-Goo, who has gone on to work for a leading design company in the U.S.; and an unnamed student majoring in computing who began at DSU with a GPA not much above zero but went on to participate in the SAP-USA program. President Chang emphasized that each of these graduates took advantage of the many opportunities available at DSU, often beginning as early as in their freshman year. By the end of their fourth year, the graduates had each benefited more than they could have initially imagined due to their efforts in pursuing the innovative educational opportunities at Dongseo University.
DSU’s reputation continues to grow through recent external recognitions. First, DSU was ranked highest in the competition ratio for advance admission in its region. Second, it was ranked 50th in an evaluation of internationalization among Asian universities. And third, it was selected by the Korean Ministry of Education to participate in the Educational Capacity Strengthening Program for five years running. DSU’s Bright Future! My Bright Future!