
Launch Ceremony of the Busan Mothers’ Green Movement

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2010-06-16 00:00

The mothers of Busan campaign to make Busan greener and cleaner for children started with enthusiasm. On April 3rd, the Busan Mothers’ Green Movement (BMGM) Corp., in which Dongseo President Park Dong Soon also serves as president, had their launch ceremony with 2,000 women from the Busan area at the Minseok Sports Center. Many celebrities, such as founder Chang Sung Man, Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City, Hur Nam Sik, Member of the National Assembly, Chang Je Won, and Head of Sasang-Gu Office, Yoon Duk Jin, attended and congratulated the founding of BMGM.

The aim of BMGM is to make the environment of Busan greener through small practices in daily lives so that our children can grow up healthfully in a clean natural environment. BMGM members attending the launch ceremony willingly pledged to campaign for the purification of devastated mountains and rivers, the conservation of unpolluted environments and preserving our cultural heritage. They also pledged to plant trees and flowers, and enlighten the public to prevent environmental pollution as well as do volunteer work for the community.

After the launch ceremony was finished, the members had a congratulatory event and released flying balloons with flower seeds of love from the square in front of Minseok Sports Center. BMGM & Dongseo President Park Dong Soon said in her speech, “We start this movement with a mission of leaving a clean and beautiful Earth to our posterity, as our mothers left the emancipation of our country and liberal democracy to us.”