
Dongseo Expands Its Study Abroad Program

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2011-07-04 08:55

The Study Abroad Program (SAP) in the U.S. is taking a leap forward starting next semester. Changes have been introduced affecting the number of students sent, the scale of support offered, and the duration of the training period. These changes to the SAP became possible through the establishment of a DSU branch campus at Hope International University (HIU).

The number of successful participants will increase to one hundred for the coming semester, and plans are already in place for further expansions. DSU will support all one hundred students sent on the SAP-America program in their roundtrip airfares, tuition, and boarding expenses. DSU has also decided to extend the training period abroad from one semester to two semesters in order to accommodate the time students will need to develop their English language abilities.

President of DSU, Chang Jekuk said, “I thought the greatest burden of the SAP was its expense. By offering university support to our students, we are able to ease some of the financial burdens placed on parents. I believe this program offers students an opportunity to gain experience appearing on a global stage.”

Many students sought to take advantage of the newly offered benefits: 379 applications were accepted as of April 4th, the deadline. To be eligible, students should be either a sophomore or a junior of DSU by the second semester in 2011. They should also have a GPA of over 3.0 and are expected to provide a letter of recommendation written by their academic professors.

The Office of International Exchange and Cooperation chose 130 preliminary students through an examination of applicants’ qualifications and interview. The students also underwent a four week English Intensive Course to prepare themselves for the program. At the completion of the intensive course on May 9th, a total of 100 students were chosen for the upcoming SAP.

Students who have completed a two-semester course at the DSU branch campus at HIU are eligible to receive 35 credits and 4 Pass credits for Chapel, provided they meet the necessary credit requirements. 24 out of the 35 credits are recognized as credits earned in the department of English, which means that, with just 8 credits more, students are able to earn a double major from English and their own majors.