
News Welcome letter to freshmen and returning students

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2020-03-18 00:00

To our beloved freshmen and returning students,


How have you been? It is very unfortunate that the academic schedule is not proceeding as planned due to COVID-19. In particular, I feel very sorry for all the freshmen who dreamed of making a new start and have instead had to delay their campus life because of the pandemic.

Normally, the new semester would already have begun, and the campus would be full of students. However, these days I see only elderly people visiting our quiet campus for a walk.

This situation is without historical precedent, and it is disconcerting to us all. Nevertheless, as Korean history proves, we are a strong people who have often overcome hardships and crises through courage and wisdom. Therefore, I firmly believe we will also ably overcome this situation.

The Dongseo Student Association is conducting a donation relay campaign to support those struggling on the front lines. I would like to thank them very much for their valuable help.

The new semester starts tomorrow, yet its first two weeks will be taught online. Your professors have sincerely made their lecture contents, and the contents for nearly all courses have been uploaded to the server. The time and effort involved was substantial. However, all professors and staff have done their best with warm hearts to support our students.

Dear students, although there may be many difficulties ahead, please understand the current emergency and work diligently on your remote classes. These classes should be equal in quality to ones taught face-to-face, and they should be approached with equal seriousness. Please actively communicate with your professors if you have any questions or comments. Arrangements have been made for you to interact with your professors, and we hope you will use the resources available to further your learning. In addition, Dongseo is actively considering ways to overcome any deficiencies that might arise as a result of online learning once face-to-face classes resume.

We look forward to meeting you on campus after a speedy end to the COVID-19 situation. I expect and earnestly pray that this will happen soon.

On campus, buds are starting to bloom all around and show signs of spring. Maybe by the time you arrive at the campus, you will be greeted by welcoming flowers.

Please pay special attention to your health and welcome to the start of the new semester. Thank you.


March 15, 2020

Dr. Jekuk Chang

President of Dongseo University