

GSI fieldtrip to Jinju

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GSI 2018-11-29 16:29

Thanks to our dedicated GSI staffs and supporters, the Jinju field trip on Friday 26th October was successfully held. The participating students come from different countries including Vietnamese, Japanese, Korea, Pakistan, Kazakstan, Chinese, Uzbekistan, Russia, Indonesia, Lithuania,… Each country has definitely contributed to the dynamic of the team, making teamwork during the game challenge session more fun than ever. We got to explore many famous attractions in Jinju such as Jinju Castle, Namgang river and call it a day at Botanic Garden. Though it was raining at the last stop, everyone still managed to have fun by taking lots of pictures which turned out to be amazing thanks to the “eerie”, foggy and mysterious aura created by the rain. In addition, it’s a must to try out Jinju one of the kind regional delicacy- raw beef bibimbap which luckily, everyone had a chance to get a taste of . Until next time, please take a moment look back at this unforgettable trip!

Group photo time! 
Each group had their own, unique pose for the group photo!
Group discussion during the challenge games
The end of the trip