

General Notice Changes in the International College office

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관리자 2021-01-30 21:11

Dear International College,
There is a change in staff members in International College. 
From Februrary 1st, we are having Ms. Kim, Jeong Hee as a Senior Staff in the International College office. She is taking over Mr. Han's responsibilites. So, she will support Internationnal Studies, Business Management, and Computer Engineering department students. For her facebook, you can click on this url https://www.facebook.com/jeonghee.kim.5682
Mr. Han has transferred to the International Exchange Center.  From February 1st, he won't be working in International Office anymore. He surely will be missed. 
We will also have a new staff, Mr. Lyu, Chungnam, who will be supporting students from MRU, PCU, and New School of China-Korea. Mr. Kim, who was with us for the last five months is no longer in Dongseo University. For his facebook, please click on https://www.facebook.com/dsu05 
We will be having new faces in the International College office. So when you visit the International College office, don't be surprised.