

Academic Notice "Public Service 1" Class - Report Submission

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GSI 2016-03-30 11:59

The "Public Service 1" class participation members are now finalised. Please check the course at your Student Support System.

To earn credit for "Public Service 1", you must fulfill the conditions and requirements below:

Condtion 1: Activity participation must be more than 20 hours.
Condtion 2: Submission of the Weekly Report Form every Wednesday at the GSI Office;
 * You must write weekly activities in detail and submit any pictures to support your efforts

※ Please keep the submission date (every Wednesday). If you miss the deadline, your report cannot be accepted.
※ Participants who have already completed activities for weeks prior to this notice, please submit a report form for all weeks of activity by April 6th, 2016.

- Public Service Rport Forms can be downloaded at the address below:

For further questions or information, please contact junhohan@gdsu.dongseo.ac.kr / 051-320-2746