

Academic Notice [2021 Fall semester] Course List for Computer Engineering Junior (the third year students)

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관리자 2021-08-10 14:00

Course NameCourse CodeClass#
Public Service 5810014201
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence322621101
Information Security and Programming321448101
Sensor and Interface321450101
1) You must sign up for all the courses (major and liberal education required) listed in the table (total credits: 13).
    It is mandatory to take all the courses above.
2) You can sign up for a maximum of 19 credits (including Liberal Education Courses) and a minimum of 15 credits.
3) You can take the remaining credits (6) by selecting any liberal arts class you want. But, be careful not to overlap the schedule.
    ※ see the post "[2021 Fall semester] Liberal Art Course(for English)" on the Notices board.

※Optional Class (If you want to take a 'Korean' course.)
Course NameCourse CodeClass#day of the weekTime
Korean 3140326201Monday9 am- 11 am