

Academic Notice IMPORTANT: Offline Class Policy from Sep 21 to the end of the Fall Semester

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관리자 2020-09-20 20:58

Dear International College Students,
Safety and health is our top priority. 

From Sep 21, some of computer enginnering, animation, film, gams, global English Program classes are open offline.  Please follow the regulations set by Dongseo University COVID 19 Emergency Commitee. 

1. You will have your body temperature checked at the entrance of the building. All the International College classes are held at International College Buidling, New Millennium Buidling or Creative Arts Studios.  Creative Arts Studios (CAS) are located across from the International College Building in the Industry-Academy Building. Its gate is located on the 3rd floor. Those of you who have classes in CAS, please follow your class professors' instructions.  After you have your body temperature checked, please wear a paper band that indicates you have your body temperature checked. You will have to show your professor that you are wearing a paper band. The color of the band changes every day from Monday thru Friday. On the band it says, please please wear a facial mask with a different day marked: 월 (Mon), 화 (Tue), 수 (Wed), 목 (Thur), 금 (Fri). 

2. On the first week, as you enter the building, IC staffs will give you the the heath checking form to fill up and submit later after the class. 
3. If you feel a fever during the class, please ask your professor to report to the University Clinic or please call Mr. Moon at 051-320-1650, Mr. Han at 051-320-4801 or Ms. Lee 051-320-4803 or their SNS messenger. 
4. As you enter the building elevator, please do not squeeze in. In the time of COVID-19, only 5 people should get in at a time. Foot prints on the IC Building elevator floor show how many people should get in and also where to stand in the elevator. 

5. As you enter the classroom, please sanitize your hands. Also, sanitize your seat and the chair with the tissue provided. Apply certain amount of sanitizer on the tissue and wipe your desk and chair. Keep the classroom clean by throwing your trashes into the trash can.

6. In the classroom, please check if all the windows are open. Also, do not turn on the air conditioner. 

7. During class, please do not unmask. Wear a mask at all times.  If you have to drink water or some other beverage, please go outside the classroom and drink. If you think you need fresh air, please go out the building. 

Almost all the recent infected cases are occuring at restaurants or cafes. Now that the schools are having classes offline, the classrooms can be the one. 

For now, refraining sitting in a restaurant for your meals would be safer. Takeouts would be better in keeping your health. 

8. Please wash your hands with soap thoroughly as frequently as possible. 

Dean, International College