

General Notice Return to DSU // for students who took a leave of absence or took online courses last year

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관리자 2021-02-05 00:00

This is Jeonghee Kim, a senior staff at International College. I newly moved in this office last Monday. I am happy to work here, supporting your study at Dongseo University.
I would like to confirm you the process for Return to DSU.
When you prepare for visa application, please consider lunar New Year holidays in Korea on Feb. 11-12.
1. Request a tuition invoice or admission certificate
If you didn't contact me yet, please send me an e-mail at dsuic@dongseo.ac.kr, referring to Mr. Han's notice about Return to DSU below.
2. Pay the tuition fee and send the receipt
After paying the tuition, please send the receipt to Ms. Yoonseo Lee. If the tuition was sent by another person's name like your parent, don't forget to inform it to her.
If you can pay the tuition by won through a bank in Korea, it can save time to check your payment. If you transfer money from abroad, it takes a few days to check the payment.
**Installment payment is not available for students abroad due to visa application procedure. To issue admission certificate in the government system, the tuition should be fully paid.
3. Receive Certificate of Admission and Certificate of Quarantine Zone
Right after Ms. Yoonse Lee send admission certificate, I will send quarantine zone certificate to you.
4. Visa Application
5. Reserve a flight ticket and inform your flight schedule
After getting your arrival schedule, I will reserve a dormitory room for 14-day quarantine after your arrival. You need to pay for meals during quarantine in advance.
I hope everything goes well for your return this semester.