

Int'l Students New Policy for Insurance (National Health Insurance Service) - from 1st March, 2021

조회 2,118

관리자 2021-02-24 10:58

Please take a good look at the new policy of Insurance, Detailed information, you may see the brochure that is in multi-language (zip file) 
Information link
 -  Vietnamese: https://www.nhis.or.kr/vietnamese/wbheda02500m01.do?menuCd=C06&parentMenuCd=C&menuNm=Nội dung dành cho người nước ngoài&parentMenuNm=Bảo hiểm sức  khỏe quốc dân&parentUrl=
1) Inquiries about National Health Insurance
- 1577-1000 (dial 7 for information on foreign languages.)
- 033-811-2000 (service in foreign languages: English, Chinese, Vietnamese and Uzbek available)
2) Inquires about private health insurance (optional and DSU high recommendation)
- visit international exchange center
- Cost: Approx. 63,000KRW for 10 months (from March to December 2021) (with National Health Insurance)