

Int'l Students Announcement for Private Insurance Fee (from April, 2021)

조회 1,418

관리자 2021-03-30 15:45

For the newcomers, National health insurance has not been covered upon your arrival hence the student HAVE TO carry private insurance for the period that is not covered by national health insurance.
Dongseo Universtiy advise to the students (new-comers) to carry from March to April (for 2 months). 
As the March has coming on an end, the insurance fee has changed as 31,000KRW for two months
Please make sure that you prepare the right amount of the insurance fee
 - As of 1st of April, 2021
 - Insurance fee: 31,000KRW (for 2 months) 
 - Mandatory for everyone to carry by the time you have NHIS