조회 3,209
관리자 2019-06-03 18:20
International Students Dormitory Application for Fall Semester, 2019
Please read the following information and refer to the online application manual. Then complete your dormitory application within the set time period.
※ Online Application – http://dez.dongseo.ac.kr/source/sur/06/htm/
1. Who can apply: International students with a student number for enrolment at Dongseo University in undergraduate, graduate or exchange student programs.
2. Available dormitories: International House Ⅰ&Ⅱ, Student Apartment, Global Village
3. Dormitory Application Process and Schedule
Contents | Date | Note |
Results of dormitory assignments |
(Applicable students only) | August 22 ~ 23, 2019 |
Dormitory fee payment | August 26 ~ 2019 |
4. Ineligible students
- Students who were evicted from the dormitory during the previous semester due to excessive penalty points or unacceptable attitude.
- Students who have a previous record of unpaid dormitory fees or insurance fees
- Students who have an infectious disease
- Students who have graduated or are taking a leave of absence
- Students who are considered to be ineligible by the dormitory maintenance department
5. Dormitory room arrangements
- Dormitory room arrangements are made based on each student’s application request, but other factors such as gender and nationality ratios may also be considered in making the arrangements.
- GPA from the most recent semester may also be considered when relevant.
6. Dormitory fees
Dormitory | Semester Period | Vacation Period |
International House Ⅰ, Ⅱ | 530,000 won | 400,000 won |
Student Apartment | 460,000 won | 320,000 won |
Global Village | 650,000 won | 400,000 won |
7. Notices
- Use of electric heating appliances or cooking machines in the dormitory is absolutely prohibited. Infractions will result in confiscation of the prohibited item(s) and issuance of associated penalty points.
- Living with a student of the opposite gender, making excessive noise, and smoking or drinking alcohol inside the dorm room are all absolutely prohibited. Infractions will result in the issuance of penalty points and possibly also in the immediate eviction of the student(s) involved.
- Students who receive more than the determined number of penalty points may be immediately evicted from the dormitory.
8. Inquiries
- Contact the Office of Student Dormitory: 051) 320-2984