스마트모빌리티학부 주메뉴
The Smart Mobility Department is committed to fostering students' self-worth and unique talents, guiding their development into global creative professionals who embody the “The Only One” value. Our continuous management of student capabilities and career paths, alongside advanced technical education and personalized experiential learning, underpins our educational approach.
Our department's open education system—integrating both online and offline learning—facilitates student exploration of their dreams and career paths. We emphasize a systematic evaluation of the learning process and provide infrastructure to enhance global capabilities, contributing positively to society and industry. Our goal is to develop leaders in smart mobility who possess creativity, self-direction, and the skills necessary for future technological advancements.
Our curriculum leverages a product-based learning (PBL) approach, integrating Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Robotics, Secondary Batteries, and Hydrogen Energy. Through PBL courses, students acquire practical knowledge and experience in creative product design, production, and patent research and development (R&D), equipping them with essential problem-solving skills and convergent talents to drive innovative changes in the future.
Gain expertise in cutting-edge industries through specialized training in electrical and electronics engineering, autonomous robotics, secondary batteries, and hydrogen energy—key drivers of future innovation.