글로컬 화장품 인재양성


Department of Cosmetics

People have long been fascinated by beauty and health, and in contemporary society, cosmetics have become indispensable in our daily lives. Cosmetics not only strive for beauty but also play a vital role in maintaining and safeguarding skin health. Therefore, scientific knowledge and technology are essential in the process of developing and producing cosmetics.

Our department is dedicated to providing student education with the aim of nurturing professionals in cosmetic formulation development to meet the evolving demands of the cosmetics industry. Cosmetic formulation development involves the manufacturing of actual cosmetics, requiring expertise and technology at various stages, including the combination of raw materials, formulation processes, and stability evaluation.

The curriculum is designed to enable students to acquire essential knowledge for cosmetic formulation development and develop practical skills. Through a combination of theoretical and experimental classes, students delve into the characteristics and interactions of raw materials used in cosmetics manufacturing, safety evaluation, and the processes of product development and production. Additionally, students gain insights into cosmetics market trends and marketing to comprehend consumer needs. Furthermore, we are enhancing students' capabilities through various industry-academia cooperation programs.

I hope you will blossom into a cosmetics expert at the Department of Cosmetics at Dongseo University.

Current status and outlook

Cosmetic R&D expert (cosmetic materials, formulation and product developer)

Quality control researchers and technicians

cosmetic marketing expert

Cosmetic licensing expert

Possible to advance into various industries

Oil refining, petrochemicals, polymers, fibers, rubber, cosmetics, pharmaceutical paints, fertilizers, chemicals, glass, cement, electronic materials, energy, detergents, environment, etc.