ActivitySDGs Design International Awards

SDGs Design International Awards

SDGs International Design Awards
SDGs International Design Awards is conceived with the aim of sharing ideas from young people and utilizing it for building sustainable society. It would provide an opportunity for students to challenge the complex problems in the global context and to devise designs benefiting our society.
본 디자인국제공모전 어워드는 세계의 청년들이 창안한 아이디어를 많은 사람들과 공유함으로써 지속가능한 사회를 만드는데 활용하여 사회를 변혁시키려는 기회와 글로벌 네트워크 및 지역 연계 사회혁신안을 제시하고자 기획되었다.

[2023] SDGs Design International Awards 2023 Guide

조회 10

SDGS 2023-08-10 00:00

Let's change the world with design

SDGs Design 

International Awards 


Let's change the world with the ideas of students all over the globe

Students all over the world can do something to solve the challenges of mankind. 


It is known that if humans continue to live like this, they will require three Earths by 2050. To avert this dire scenario, we need fresh, bold, and groundbreaking ideas from young generations worldwide. Additionally, there is a growing expectation for a design that can visually express these ideas.

The award was launched in 2019 with the goal of soliciting a diverse range of design ideas for social change from talented and aspiring young students. The aim is to share the solutions created by young people with a global audience and utilize them to build a sustainable society.

This award will fundamentally reassess what is considered 'natural' and act as a catalyst for transforming society in harmony with the world. 


Theme: Sustainable Future Design for Children 

Application period : August 1st to October 15th


Organized by | DSU-SDGs Center, Asia Design Center for Future, Dongseo University, South Korea 

Co-Organized by | Faculty of Design, Kyushu University, Japan 

Sponsor :  

Support :  


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), an agenda established to be achieved by 2030 during the 70th UN General Assembly in 2015, represent the shared aspirations of humanity to achieve sustainable development. Also recognized as the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, the SDGs encompass 17 overarching goals and 169 specific targets across five dimensions: human, Earth, prosperity, peace, and partnership. In Korea, government policies and pertinent legislation such as the "Sustainable Development Act," "Basic Act on Low-Carbon Green Growth," and "Basic Act on International Development Cooperation" are being employed to pursue specific objectives aligned with the UN SDGs.


Design has evolved far beyond its traditional role as mere decoration. Empowered by design, we can shape the course of humanity, guiding it towards betterment in various spheres: individuals, the Earth, prosperity, peace, and partnership.


The SDGs Design International Awards have the purpose of disseminating novel solutions globally that contribute to a more promising future society, harnessing the creative potential of students. We eagerly anticipate the submission of innovative ideas from numerous students. Additionally, we are excited about the involvement of companies that are willing to collaborate on these shared missions.

Lee Myung-hee

Chairman of SDGs Design International Awards 2023

Director of the SDGs Center at Dongseo University

 reference: | 051-320-4282