미래를 움직이는 인재, 그 인재의 가치를 아는 열린 꿈이 있는 대학 동서대학교


2019 에이스아메리칸화재해상보험 그룹 채용공고 ~8/30

조회 1,320

학생취업지원처 2019-08-20 00:00

2019 에이스아메리칸화재해상보험 그룹 채용공고 ~8/30


모집부문 및 업무내용

- Jr. Business Analyst 신입



Key Areas of Responsibilities

Annual Planning

− Prepare & organize internal dataset and research market information for annual planning and support team manager leading the annual planning process


− Data preparation, verification, and process overview prior to the actual planning process


− Effective communication with each LOB’s and local F&A contact points


Production & Performance Analysis and Reporting

− Independently handle regular monitoring and reporting for team manager’s review and report needed improvements and revisions to existing reports when identified


− Sales data collection, verification, and analysis on LOB & Channel sales production in detail on daily, weekly, and monthly basis


Regular & Management Reporting Support

− Produce accurate & adequate data required and provide preliminary data analyses to support team manager in developing regular and management report materials. Share opinions and ideas for better report contents


− Gather, consolidate and organize data for presentations


− Accuracy management and verification of data and information


− System data extract Internal Data System Usage


− Extract data best fit for the purpose from various internal systems


− Perform creativity and flexibility in extracting, combining and verifying data


지원자격 및 우대사항

- 학력 무관


Required Capabilities(우대사항)

− Advanced excel skilled i.e. Macro, VBA etc. preferred


− Working knowledge of Power Point


− Proficiency in especially for written English


− Attention to details and strong communication skills


접수방법 및 기간

- 접수방법 : 지원링크( https://www.superookie.com/jobs/5d4b75c38b129f3d850463c8) 접속하여 지원


- 제출기한 : 8/30(금) 9:00까지



- 국문, 영문이력서


전형절차 : 서류전형 > 면접 > 채용확정


기타문의 : 채용담당자 김혜원(☎)02-6711-5828 / hyeweon.kim@chubb.com