미래를 움직이는 인재, 그 인재의 가치를 아는 열린 꿈이 있는 대학 동서대학교


(컴공 ~4/18) 2021 SAP Labs Korea 연구직/개발직 인턴 채용

조회 722

학생취업지원처 2021-04-06 10:36

(컴공 ~4/18) 2021 SAP Labs Korea 연구직/개발직 인턴 채용


모집부문 및 담당업무

- Transaction and Data Virtualization :

  1) Research and development on auto scaling and scheduling of HANA computing nodes in the Cloud 

  2) Research and development on Cloud migration from on-premise


- Intelligent Data Processing Engine : (One of the topics per intern)

  1) Research and development on global optimization of SQL/SQLScript plan/ New innovation on cloud-based Optimizer-as-a-Service architecture

  2) Query tuning advisor using ML and GPU technologies

  3) Hana Execution Engine Feature Extension


- Data Analytics / Machine Learning : (One of the topics per intern)

  1) R&D in the areas of HANA Cloud workload analysis, classification, visualization, and recommendation systems

  2) Evaluation of the state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms on cardinality estimation in DBMS

  3) SQL Query Assistant using machine learning technologies


- Software Engineering :

  1) HANA verification tool/framework development using SAP HANA Workload Capture and Replay or intelligent crash detecting with fuzzing


자격요건 및 우대사항

- 컴퓨터공학, 전자공학 또는 관련 학사(3학년 이상) 또는 석사(2학기 이상)


- 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 자


- 남성의 경우, 병역필 또는 면제자


- Transaction and Data Virtualization :

  1) Programming languages : C or C++ expertise, Python

  2) General knowledge on Cloud


- Intelligent Data Processing Engine :

  1) Programming languages : C or C++ expertise, Python

  2) General knowledge Engine Feature Extension


- Data Analytics / Machine Learning :

  1) Programming languages : Python, JavaScript/TypeScript(in case of Big Date Analytics)

  2) Basic knowledge and skills on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and/or Data Analytics


- Software Engineering :

  1) Programming languages : Python



- 채용형태 : 인턴


  • - 채용인원 : 0명


- 근무지 : 서울


접수방법 및 기간

- 접수방법 : 홈페이지 접수(https://www.sap.com/about/careers.html)


- 제출기한 : ~4/18까지



  • - 온라인 지원서


전형절차 : 서류전형 > 코딩테스트 > 1차면접 > 2차면접 > 최종합격


기타문의 : () spa_labs_kr_vt_hiring@sap.com