
2022 Houdini Camp

조회 45

관리자 2023-10-24 16:29

Film and VFX, International College will open a Houdini camp (on line thru ZOOM) during winter vacation.
Instructor: Prof. Chaehong Lim
1. Basic of Houdini - 2 weeks
            1. Geometry Node Structure
            2. Attributes and Data
            3. Channel & Parameter
            4. Parameter script
            5. Copy stamp
            6. Noise and Radom values
            7. VEX function

2. Houdini Procedural Modeling - 1 week
3. Particle System - 1 week
4. Fire Simulation - 1 week
5. Creating Portal - 3 weeks
This program will start 1st week of Jan., 2023 for 8 weeks. 2 hours/2 times per week. Total 32 hours for 8 weeks.
ZUEL, PCU, DSU Graduate students(Visual Contents) can join. Put your name on the google sheet.