

2017한중일청년대사 모집공고

조회 1,215

동아시아학과 2017-05-17 11:32


                            Call for Applications: 
Young Ambassador Program 2017 
What is the Young Ambassador Program? 
The Young Ambassador Program (YAP) helps you experience diplomatic career at the forefront of Northeast Asia regional cooperation. The YAP is a summer program for future leaders of China, Japan, and Korea who are passionate about international cooperation and interested in pursuing a diplomatic career. The YAP offers a range of opportunities in understanding the objectives and operation of the TCS in facilitating the trilateral cooperative efforts and welcomes your insights for future trilateral relations.
Program duration: July 31 - August 12, 2017 (2 weeks) 
Venue: Seoul & Jeju, ROK 
How is the Program Organized? 
YAP 2017 will be composed of three main phases: training, team projects, and cultural tour. 
•  Training: Special lectures and on-site visits will be provided on various areas regarding the trilateral cooperation as well as international relations    and multilateral cooperation. Young Ambassadors will also engage in a series of discussions and dialogues to help deepen their understanding on    the cooperation among China, Japan, and the ROK. 
•  Team projects: Based on the training, participants will be required to complete a team project that will demonstrate their interest and understanding    of trilateral cooperation. 
•  Cultural tour: Upon completion of training and projects, Young Ambassadors will have the opportunity to go on a 3-day cultural tour to Jeju Island. 
   What are the benefits of YAP? 
•  Enhancing understanding of the trilateral cooperation among China, Japan, and the ROK 
•  Experiencing the multilateral and multicultural working environment 
•  Networking with future leaders of China, Japan, and the ROK 
•  Opportunity to work with TCS, the only inter-governmental organization among China, Japan, and the ROK. 
Am I Eligible? 
The TCS is recruiting 18 talented young people from China, Japan, and Korea. Applicants should meet the minimum requirement as follows: 
•  Age: 30 or below 
•  Nationality: China, Japan, and ROK nationals. 
•  Education: undergraduate/graduate students of all majors. 
•  Language: Must be fluent in English. Additional CJK language proficiency is preferred. 
•  Others: Must have keen interest in Northeast Asian affairs and willing to work in multi-lateral environments 
Administrative Arrangements 
TCS will cover the following expenses for participants: 
•  Accommodations: 2 persons/room, breakfast included 
•  Travelers’ insurance during the program duration 
•  Local transportation expenses for official schedules 
•  Everyday lunch expenses (weekdays), official dinners 
•  All official expenses for the cultural tour to Jeju 
•  Airfare, local transportation, accommodation, admission, meals 
•  Activity fee for official schedules 
Participants should cover the following expenses: 
•  Visa fee (if applicable) 
•  Transportation from their residential areas to the hotel (international airfare, airport limousine fee) 
•  Meal expenses (dinner on weekdays, lunch and dinner on weekends) 
•  Other personal expenses 
Required Documents 
•  Application Form (attached) 
•  Statement of Purpose (maximum 2 pages) in English covering the applicant’s background and his or her motivation to participate in the YAP2017. 
•  Certificate of enrollment/leave from the current university/institution. 
•  Optional – official English standardized test scores (i.e., TOEIC, TOEFL, TEPS, etc) and/or Chinese, Japanese, and Korean standardized test         scores 
Application Method 
Send your application form and required documents to yap@tcs-asia.org by May 31, 2017. The subject of the e-mail must be in the form of “YAP2017_applicant’s name”. For inquiries, please contact Soojin Han (Ms.) at soojinhan@tcs-asia.org or at +82-70-4162-5327. 
For more information regarding the Program, please visithttp://www.tcsyap.org
