Cumulus International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media(이하 Cumulus)는 예술과 디자인 분야의 교육과 연구를 공유하는 국제적인 디자인 학술연합체이다. 아미연은 Cumulus의 공식 회원기관으로서 이러한 국제적 네트워크를 기반으로 적극적인 국제 학술활동을 이어가고 있다.

Cumulus International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media (the “Cumulus”) is an international association of design study that shares the education and research projects of arts and design fields. As an official member of Cumulus, ADCF continues its academic activities vigorously based on this strong international network.

Gamified e-Learning approached through Emotional Design in the Post-Covid-19 era

조회 21

아미연 2024-09-05 17:48

장소Sapienza University of Rome (이탈리아 로마)
주제Cumlus Roma 2021: Design Culture(s)
Gamified e-Learning approached through Emotional Design in the Post-Covid-19 era
Na Weia,Yong-Ki Lee*a, Juyoung Changa
aDongseo University
In response to the Covid-19 crisis, this article proposes a theoretical framework that combines e-learning, emotional design, and gamification on reviewing the three areas to meet the new need for a changed paradigm in education and e-learning. This research concludes that educat on needs to explore a new paradigm of gamified e-Learning. For this, the authors propose an education research model that provides an overview of three components impacting future learning. These are (1) the new importance of distance- education as a knowledge production platform, (2) the influence of emotional design on positive learner experiences, and (3) the role of gamified engagement for sustained learning motivations. This theoretical framework provides directions for education leaders on how schools should adapt to the ‘new normal’ of the Covid-19 era.


Gamified e-Learning approached through Emotional Design in the Post-Covid-19 era