아시아미래디자인연구소 주메뉴
1. Purpose of the Review Guidelines
These guidelines are intended to define the procedures and criteria for the review of research papers and book reviews to be published in the Design Futures Journal (DFJ), a scholarly journal published by Asia Design Center for Future.
1) The editor-in-chief requests the editorial board members to recommend reviewers for the papers submitted.
2) The editorial board members recommend multiple reviewers who have expertise in each paper's subject matter.
3) Reviewers with expertise in the subject of each paper are selected in the following order:
① experts in the same field ② experts in related fields, ③ if no experts in ① or ② are available, the editor-in-chief will provide additional recommendations.
4) The editorial board prepares the list of reviewers based on the recommendations of the editorial board members. The editor-in-chief may request additional recommendations if needed.
5) The editorial board assigns at least 2 reviewers to each paper submitted and requests their review.
6) Reviewers must respond within 3 days of receiving the request for reviewing with either "accept" or "reject".
7) If two reviewers cannot be secured due to rejection by the selected reviewers, the editor-in-chief may add new reviewers at their discretion to complete the review assignment.
The editorial assistant sends the submitted manuscripts to the reviewers via email.
1) The editor-in-chief appoints at least two reviewers per paper based on the expertise required for reviewing, considering the fairness and professionalism of the review process.
2) To ensure the fairness of appointment of the reviewer, the editor-in-chief may request reviewers to submit a list of their research achievements over the last three years.
3) Reviewers selected by the editorial board must submit a review acceptance form and a pledge upon their initial registration on the online paper review system, which will be considered a commitment to future review papers.
4) If a reviewer who has accepted the review is unable to proceed with the review due to unavoidable circumstances, they must notify the editorial board immediately and return all materials.
5) Reviewers are paid a review fee.
1) Reviewers must return their review results within 15 days of receiving the initial manuscript submitted by the author.
2) If a reviewer fails to submit their review within 15 days, the editor-in-chief will issue a first reminder. If the review is not submitted within five days after that, the editor-in-chief may dismiss the reviewer.
3) Dismissed reviewers must return all review materials immediately.
Special issue papers planned by the editorial board undergo the same review process as regular submissions before being published in the journal.
1) Reviews are conducted in three phases; first, second, and third reviews.
2) The first review is conducted by the editorial board, who checks the general requirements of the submitted paper. However, papers by senior faculty members or lead researchers are exempt from the first review.
3) The second review is conducted by appointing at least two experts from the relevant field by the editorial board.
1) The review criteria include the paper's components (Korean abstract, Korean keywords, English abstract, English keywords, introduction, body, conclusion, references) and evaluate the originality, clarity, completeness, verification level, and academic contribution to design.
2) Based on these criteria, the reviewer must classify the paper as one of the following: accepted, accepted with revisions, revise and resubmit, or Rejected.
3) The review comments should use clear and specific expressions. If revisions are required, the reviewer must indicate necessary changes in detail. If the paper is rejected, the reviewer must provide valid reasons in the review report.
4) Reviewers assess the paper based on the following criteria, and classify it as accepted, accepted with revisions, revise and resubmit or rejected.
① Creativity of the topic: Presentation of creative and critical issues, concepts, arguments, or perspectives.
② Validity of the methodology: Appropriateness of research methods, soundness and persuasiveness of argumentation
③ Completeness of content: Clarity of logic and appropriateness of arguments.
④ Completeness of structure: Appropriateness of paper organization, adherence to format requirements for Korean and English abstracts.
⑤ Academic contribution: The paper’s academic contribution, applicability and impact.
The editorial board plans the journal's publication and oversees the review process of submitted papers. The review proceeds as follows:
1) If the editorial board determines that the submitted paper does not align with the journal's focus, the paper is rejected.
2) The editorial board appoints at least two experts from the same field to review the submitted paper. The names of the reviewers and the author are kept confidential.
3) If no experts in the same field are available, the editorial board may ask researchers from related fields to review the paper.
4) Staff of the institute and editorial board may also be appointed as reviewers. However, if a staff member or editor is the author, they are excluded from reviewing or recommending reviewers for that particular issue. Staff and editors may submit papers only once a year.
5) When requesting reviews, all identifiable information about the author is removed.
6) Reviewers must follow the prescribed review report format and return the review result to the editorial board within two weeks. Reviewers are compensated for their review.
7) After collecting the review reports, the editorial board determines the final result and informs the author.
8) If the paper receives "Accepted with revisions" or "Revise and resubmit" status, the editorial board immediately informs the author with the review comments and requests revisions. If the paper is "Rejected," the editorial board notifies the author along with the review comments and reasons for rejection.
9) The editorial board reviews the revised paper and decides whether to accept or reject it based on the revised content. If the paper was initially marked as "Revise and resubmit," a second round of review will take place before a decision is made.
10) If the author fails to meet the submission deadline for revised papers, the paper will be excluded from publication, and the author will be notified.
If the author disagrees with the review result, they may appeal within 3 days of receiving the notification. If the editorial board finds the appeal to be justified, they will convene a meeting to discuss whether a re-evaluation is necessary.
The review results are classified into four categories: Accepted, Accepted with Revisions, Revise and Resubmit, and Rejected.
The second-stage review, involving at least two experts in the field, is classified as follows:
The total score from all reviewers is averaged, and the result is as follows:
- Below 70 points: Rejected
- 70 points or above: Revise and Resubmit
- 80 points or above: Accepted with Revisions
- 90 points or above: Accepted
However, in case where three reviewers are involved, if two or more of the reviewers recommend "Accepted with Revisions," the paper will be given the opportunity to be published. If two or more reviewers recommend "Rejected," the paper will not be accepted.
The third-stage review proceeds as follows:
1) The editorial board appoints one reviewer.
2) The review result is classified into two categories: Accepted (80 points or above) and Rejected (below 80 points).
3) The third-stage review may be postponed to the next issue, considering the publication schedule.
4) Based on the results, the editorial board will make the final decision and notify both the author and the reviewers of the outcome.
5) If the result is "Accepted with Revisions," the author will be requested to submit the final manuscript after revisions.
6) If the result is "Revise and Resubmit," the author will be asked to submit the revised manuscript along with responses to the reviewers' comments, and the paper will undergo another review.
7) If the result is "Rejected," the author will be notified accordingly.
1) If the third-stage reviewer proposes revisions, the author must respect these suggestions.
2) The author may refuse the proposed revisions. If they do, they must submit a justification for the refusal in the online submission system. If there is a conflict of opinions between the reviewer and the author, the editorial board will make a final decision.
3) For a paper that has been marked as "Revise and Resubmit" or "Rejected," the same reviewer will handle the resubmission process. If necessary, the editorial board may appoint new reviewers. If one or more reviewers mark the paper as "Rejected," it will be treated as "Rejected" in the final review.
4) The resubmission reviewer must return the review results within 7 days after receiving the revised manuscript.
5) If the author is requested to revise the manuscript and does not submit the revised manuscript within 15 days without notifying the editorial board, the paper will be treated as "Rejected."
6) Resubmissions are allowed only twice. If the paper does not obtain "Accepted" or "Accepted with Revisions" status after the second resubmission, it will be marked as "Rejected."
1) Book reviews follow the procedures and criteria outlined below:
① Book reviews are divided into planned reviews and general reviews.
② Planned reviews are organized and decided by the editorial board.
③ General reviews are either commissioned by the author or submitted by the reviewer. In the case of an author's commission, the author submits the book, and the editorial board recommends a reviewer to write the review.
④ Planned reviews provide not only critical commentary but also must adhere to the formal requirements of an academic paper, including research topics, references, footnotes, etc. The length should be within 10 pages of A4 format.
⑤ General reviews provide a summary, contribution, and evaluation of the book without references or footnotes. The length should be within 4 pages of A4 format.
⑥ Book reviews must focus on books other than textbooks, relevant to the journal's subject area and must not have been published elsewhere.
⑦ Reviews must cite references following the Design Futures Journal (DFJ)citation style.
⑧ No publication fee is charged for book reviews.
2) Book Review Evaluation
① The editor-in-chief appoints two review members based on recommendations from the editorial board.
② The evaluation of planned and general reviews is limited to a simple "Accepted" or "Rejected" decision. A review is accepted if at least one of the two reviewers recommends it.
1) The editorial board finalize the publication decision and notify the author and all editorial board members at least 10 days before the publication date.
2) If the author wishes to delay or withdraw the paper from publication, they must notify the editorial board at least 7 days before the publication date.
3) The author may appeal the review decision in writing within 3 days of receiving the notification. The editorial board will carefully review the appeal and if deemed necessary, will request a re-evaluation.
For papers marked as "Revise and Resubmit," the author may request a resubmission once. The same reviewers who handled the initial review will be reappointed for the resubmission process. Based on the results of the resubmission, the paper may be revised and resubmitted. If the resubmission is not completed before the publication period, it will be carried over to the next issue.
If the author disagrees with a "Rejected" decision, he or she may appeal once by submitting an appeal letter to the editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief will then appoint three new reviewers to conduct a new review, and the process will follow the same procedure as the initial submission.
1) The identity of the author and the reviewer will not be disclosed during the review process.
2) Anyone involved in the review process must maintain confidentiality regarding the paper's author, reviewers, and the review results.
3) If an editor is also an author, the editor-in-chief must ensure that the editor does not interfere with the review process, and the other editors will not be informed of the submission until the review process is complete.
4) The editorial board implements a conflict-of-interest policy to ensure fair and impartial review.
① Authors may request to exclude certain reviewers due to conflicts of interest.
② If the reason for exclusion is valid, the editorial board will appoint alternative reviewers.
③ The editorial board must carefully consider potential conflicts of interest when appointing reviewers, such as personal or financial ties.
④ If any conflict or misconduct is suspected, the editorial board will conduct an appropriate investigation based on the journal's research ethics guidelines.
The committee may establish separate details necessary for the implementation of these regulations.
Announcement Date: April 1, 2024
Effective Date: April 1, 2024
1. 심사규정 목적
이 규정은 아시아미래디자인연구소가 발간하는 학술지인 「디자인퓨쳐스(Design Futures Journal : DFJ)」에 게재할 연구논문, 서평의 심사절차와 기준에 관한 사항을 정함을 목적으로 한다.
편집간사는 접수한 원고를 각 심사자에게 전자우편으로 송부한다.
편집위원회에서 기획한 특집 논문도 일반 투고 논문들과 동일한 심사과정을 거쳐 본 학술지에 게재한다.
⑤ 학술적 기여도 : 논문의 학문적 기여도, 활용도, 파급효과 등
편집위원회는 학술지의 발간을 기획하고 투고된 논문에 대한 심사를 주관한다. 논문의 심사는 다음의 사항에 따라 진행한다.
심사결과의 판정은 ‘게재’, ‘수정 후 게재’, ‘수정 후 재심’, ‘게재 불가’의 4등급으로 한다.
해당 분야 전문가 2인 이상이 참여하는 2차 심사는 다음과 같이 판정한다.
논문심사에 참여한 심사위원 전원의 점수를 합산하여 평균치가,
- 70점 미만 : 게재 불가
- 70점 이상 : 수정 후 재심
- 80점 이상 : 수정 후 게재
- 90점 이상 : 게재 가
단, 3인이 심사를 진행하는 경우, 심사의견 중 ‘수정 후 게재’가 2개 이상인 경우 게재의 기회가 주어진다. 3인의 심사의견 중 '게재 불가'가 2개 이상인 경우 논문은 채택되지 않는다.
3차 심사는 다음과 같은 절차로 진행한다.
1) 서평 기고는 다음과 같은 절차 및 기준에 따른다.
① 서평은 기획서평과 일반서평으로 구분한다.
② 기획서평은 편집위원회에서 기획 및 결정한다.
③ 일반서평은 저자의 의뢰 또는 서평인의 기고로 이루어진다. 저자 의뢰의 경우 서평을 요청하는 저서의 제출이 이루어진 후 편집위원회에서 서평인을 추천받아 서평을 의뢰한다.
④ 기획서평은 저서에 대한 비평적 소개를 넘어 연구주제, 참고문헌, 각주 등 논문으로서의 형식요건을 모두 갖춘다. 분량은 A4×10매 이내로 한다.
⑤ 일반서평은 저서의 내용 요약, 기여, 평가 등 비평적 소개로 참고문헌, 각주 등을 포함하지 않으며, 분량은 A4×4매 이내로 한다.
⑥ 서평의 대상은 본학술지 투고 분야에 해당하는 교과서를 제외한 국내외 저서 모두로 하며 또한 다른 학술지에 서평이 게재되지 않은 저서여야 한다.
⑦ 서평은 대상 저서를 디자인퓨처스 참고문헌 작성방법에 따라 명시하여야 한다.
⑧ 서평에 대한 게재료는 징수하지 않는다.
‘수정 후 재심’의 경우 저자는 1회에 한하여 재심사를 요청할 수 있다. 이때 재심사는 이미 심사를 담당하였던 동일 심사위원을 재차 위촉하여 진행한다. 재심사결과에 따라 논문은 수정 후 재투고 할 수 있으며, 학술지 출간 기간 내에 재심사가 완료되지 않으면 다음 호로 이월된다.
‘게재 불가’ 판정에 승복하지 않을 경우 1회에 한해 편집위원장에게 이의신청서를 제출하여 재심사를 요청할 수 있다. 이의신청에 따른 재심사는 새로 3명의 심사위원을 선정하여 진행하며, 심사절차 및 방법은 처음 투고된 논문과 동일하게 적용한다.
위원회는 이 규정의 시행을 위하여 필요한 세부사항을 별도로 정할 수 있다.
공고일자 : 2024년 04월 1일
시행일자 : 2024년 04월 1일