

<서울시 해외 인재 유치 프로젝트>의 앙케트 조사 안내

조회 1,956

관리자 2019-05-30 14:02

본 앙케트는 서울시에서 의뢰한 4차 산업을 기반으로 한 고부가가치를 창출할 해외인재 유치를 목적으로

서울시에서 가능한 지원 대책을 검토하기 위한 앙케트/인터뷰 리서치 입니다.

많은 참여 부탁드립니다.


대상: 해외 국적자 중 한국에서 취업 또는 창업을 예정에 둔 자들


 메일 발송용 앙케트 안내문


Dear Respondents,


My name is Myungeun Shin, a consultant of Kelly services which is a global total HR solution company.

I would like to invite you to participate in a survey for a project that is being proceeded under the supervision of Seoul District.

The aim of this survey is for Seoul District to collect your needs or difficulties on employment or founding your own business in Seoul.

Please help us by sharing your ideas via filling out the survey questionnaire honestly and candidly.

To participate in the survey, please select one of the links below according to your social status and the language you feel comfortable with.



The results will be used in Seoul District’s future planning for expatriates working in Korea.


We look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions.

If you have any questions regarding survey, please contact us via e-mail (myungeun_shin@kellyservices.kr)

Thank you for your cooperation.

 온라인 앙케트 링크 (국문, 영문, 중문)


-취업 앙케트 (국문)



-창업 앙케트 (국문)



  • -A Survey regarding to Employment Status of Expatriates



-A Survey regarding to Starting/Running Businesses as an Expatriate



-(취업) 掌握海外人才就业现状调查



(창업) 掌握海外人才创业现状调查
