
  • It is intended to learn metabolic and synthetic pathway of organism. We are focusing on the synthetic mechanism of physiologically active material, enzymatic mechanism and intracellular 2nd messenger for the needs of pharmaceutical company.
  • Experimental skills to identify biosynthetic pathways of bioactive compounds which are of interest in biotechnological industries are taught. Interconversion of enzyme, identification of functional radical, isolation of useful protein and lipid chromatographic techniques are the major topics.
  • Theories and basic techniques of analysis including spectroscopy, electroanalytical chemistry and chromatography will be introduced so that students will not only acquire knowledge but also be able to apply the concepts in the various fields of biotechnology. This lecture will cover analytical methods of a variety of aliphatic and aromatic organic compounds of various molecular sizes. Special emphasis will be placed on identifying chemical structures of unknown compounds as well as quantitative analysis of known compounds. Separation methods, purification methods and identification methods will be taught with emphasis on chromatography and spectroscopy.
  • This is a laboratory course based on the theories taught in chemical technical analysis I. The lab work deals mostly with separation and sample preparation work. Starting with preparation of buffer solutions using the pH meter, various extraction and separation techniques using the GC and HPLC chromatographic systems will be taught. Moreover, students will be able to interpret data after performing statistical analysis and gain experience in UV and IR analysis.
  • This lab course aims to learn microbiological sciences, specifically as applied to industrial materials, processes, products and their associated problems. It introduces students to the basic concepts of utilization in a variety of microorganisms, and learn about the experiments how to apply them in an industrial setting. The experimental topics cover from conservation of microorganism, microbial leaching, biotransformation, through decomposition of chemicals through microorganism, to microbial leaching and more.
  • Transport process in one- and multi-phase systems. Momentum- and mass transport in the particles. Non-newtonian Fluide. Transport process in aerated mixing vessel fermenter. Bio-reactor type. Sterilisation of Reactor, medium and air. Centrifugation. Filteration. cell disruption. extraction. membrane separation process.
  • Preperation of fermentation. fermentation. Design of power consumtion. rheology. pipe pressure drop.
  • The purpose of this course is to provide the student an in-depth information in many areas of genetics including Mendelian genetics, human genetics, molecular genetics and genetic analysis. The lecture will cover the areas of Analyzing Crosses, Meiosis and Genetic Recombination, Linkage Mapping and Human Genome Project. Molecular genetics will include learning the types of genetic and biochemical information about cellular regulation system. Students will also learn the basics about nucleic acids, how they form base pairs, and undergo replication and translation.
  • Based on the theories and basic techniques of analysis taught in CTA I, more advanced and recent topics in chemical analysis will be dealt with in this course. Special emphasis will be placed on Mass and NMR. For example, the use of MALDI-TOF in proteomics will be covered as an advanced topic in mass spectrometry as well as recent developments in 2D- NMR. Due to the nature of the course, recent journal articles will be handed out as supplement to the textbooks.
  • This laboratory course is based on chemical technical analysis II. Focus will be on identifying structures of unknown compounds based on NMR and Mass after separation using HPLC and GC.
  • Theories on extraction as well as protein structure, characteristics of useful radicals, enzymatc mechanism and enzyme activity are taught to help students in the purification process of bioactive materials.
  • Basic principle of Thermodynamic. kinetics of homogenous reaction. enzyme kinetics. kinetics of microbial growth with equal distribute biomass. basic principle of the product formation in the batch process. continuous culture. coupling of oxygen kinetics and oxygen transport. model for enzyme regulation.
  • continuous culture, scale-up process. fed-batch fermentation
  • he purpose of this course is to provide the student in-depth information in genetics including Mendelian genetics, human genetics and molecular genetics. The lecture will cover the areas of analyzing crosses, meiosis and genetic recombination, linkage mapping and human genome project. Molecular genetics will include learning the types of genetic and biochemical information about cellular regulation system. Students will also learn the basics about nucleic acids, their formation (replication), structure and role (translation).
  • The course will focus on studying cells and nucleic acids; cell and molecular biology. Students will learn to understand the cell as the fundamental unit of life and the scientific method. The aim is for the students to understand the events that take place in process of the cell cycle, meiosis and mitosis and to learn about bio-machinery such as cytoskeleton. The course will also introduce DNA as a genetic material, the topics of which cover mutation, DNA replication, transcription and translation.
  • Experiments on purification and extraction technology of bioactive materials including the isolation of cytochrome oxidase, cell disruption, sulfation and dialysis, separation by enzymatic activity and separation by two phase system and chromatography are conducted.
  • Biological databases and analysis software as tools for biotechnology will be introduced so that students be able bloth to collect biological information from internet resources and to analyze them. The lecture will cover searching method of literature, genetic sequence, and protein structure, and collecting method of various biological information. Also method of comparative analysis for collected information will be taught with emphasis on bioinformatics tools.
  • The course will focus on studying software structure of bioinformatics system. Students will not only learn to use and manage UNIX and NT platform but also set-up and integrate representative bioinformatics softwares.
  • Industrial microbiology encompasses the use of industrially important microorganisms. Students will separate and nurture micro organisms used in various fields such as agriculture, environment, energy, food or industrial products and learn empirical knowledge that will be used in these fields.
  • This lab course aims to teach microbiological sciences, specially applied to industrial materials, processes, products and their associated problems. It introduces students to the basic concepts of utilization in a variety of microorganisms and to learn about the experiments how to apply them in an industrial setting. The experimental topics cover from conservation of microorganisms, microbial leaching, biotransformation, decomposition of chemicals by microorganisms etc.
  • In this course, students will not only learn the basic theories regarding the dynamics of working fluid but also learn the laws regarding the conversion to mechanical energy and basics of the calorie engine.
  • This course will deal with basic and engineering theory, and application examples to remove odor and air pollution and to dispose waste water out of contaminants occurring due the development of industries. Students will learn to design the disposal process based on chemical reaction equation, stoichiometry, thermodynamics and kinetics.
  • It teaches various theories related to biophysical laws regarding bio components, organisms and reactions related to life.
  • Experiments in Cell Biology is designed to enable students to acquire general techniques to deal with animal cell for proliferation and differentiation techinques.
  • The objective of this subject is to understand the synthesis of bio-molecules at the molecular level and biochemical changes under disease condition. It also aims to explore the mechanisms at physiological and pathophysiological action with the fundamental of diverse life phenomenon.
  • Basic concepts in polymer science, including polymerization, copolymerization, natural polymers, polymer nomenclature, definitions, classifications, molecular weight, commercially important polymers, polymer stereochemistry and theories of polymer solutions are covered.
  • Principles of operation and flow in single and twin screw extruders, screw design, characteristics of internal mixers, injection molding and other molding processes will be taught in this class.
  • The students will learn various polymer foams, their chemistry, properties, structure, preparation methods and commercial applications in this subject.
  • This course deals with materials, momentum and energy delivery mechanism, and energy and material input and output to design unit processes, such as evaporation, drying, gas absorption, distillation, abstraction, leaching, adhesion and crystallization.
  • In this course, students will learn and practice the methods of mathematical modeling necessary for the development of control theory, the concept and characteristics of feedback, how to get a delivery function in the linear system, state space model, culture basic competencies to apply various methods necessary for stability and performance, and evaluation of the control system to the design of responders or process control.
  • To understand the basic principle that particles interact with light, students will learn basic optics, electric and electronic characteristics of molecules and learn theoretically to handle devices such as UV-Vis-Spectrometry, Gas/Liquid Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, NMR and IR used for analyzing samples using chemical and physical characteristics and principles of substances.
  • In this course, students will learn the experimental methods necessary to measure values using sensors and devices for the material analysis and nurture the application and the management capacity.
  • This lecture will cover and discuss in detail on the chemical equilibrium of polyprotic acid-base, complex formation, oxido-reduction, and basic principles of electro analytical chemistry, such as cyclic voltmetery and polarography. The understanding of this course will help students to improve the applicability of bioanalytical chemistry, as well as establish a solid basis for critical bioanalytical evaluation of current and future research.
  • With this subject students will get knowledge of statistical description of polymer conformation, local ordering, crystal structures, crystallization, the morphology of crystalline polymers and polymer phase behaviors.
  • General knowledge of laboratory and commercial methods for polymer preparation with practical examples, including reaction kinetics, fundamentals and practical aspects of organic synthesis will be covered in this subject.
  • Substance analysis that aims to study the application of spectroscopic instruments. NMR and Mass mainly deal with the IR and is focused on the analysis of data for the analysis of the structure of matter.
  • Students will gain knowledge of thermodynamic and molecular basis of rubber elastic behavior, time-dependent mechanical properties of rubbers, rubber compounding and processing, vulcanization methods, physical testing and elastomer industry. This course provides fundamental knowledge in physical, thermal, and rheological properties required for injection and compression molding including theoretical and experimental aspects of various molding processes.
  • This subject focuses on patent design based on patent analysis, patent strategy and prior search of patent.
  • Knowledge of patent strategy for development and research from patent analysis and prior search of patent will be given in this class.
  • The students will learn about the general knowledge of patent, writing the descriptions and claims with practical examples.
  • The students will be taught about various fillers, parameters affecting mechanical and rheological properties of polymer composites, nanocomposites and characterization of filler dispersion in this subject.
  • The overall makes naeyoeul aware of the energy of life graduate student majoring related.
  • 반응속도론,물질전달과 열전달 등의 지식을 이용한 반응기의 설계를 하고자 한다.비등온반응기,촉매반응기 등의 기본 메카니즘과 공학적 해석,응용을 다룬다.
  • 국내 및 세계의 에너지 현황 및 전망,석탄,석유,천연가스 등의 화석에너지의 활용,풍력,지열,태양열,연료전지,수소에너지와 같은 신재생에너지의 개발현황 및 전망 등을 다룬다.
  • 유해가스,휘발성 유기화합물(VOCs)및 온실가스의 발생 원인 및 특징을 이해하고 가스의 배출 원천 저감기술을 공부한다.충전탑에 의한 가스의 흡수 분리 기술 원리 및 방법과 흡수,막분리를 통한CO2포집기술 및 원리를 학습함으로써 다양한 가스처리공학을 배우도록 한다.또한,이러한 분리 및 효능을 조사하기 위한 가스분석 기기의 원리 및 분석방법을 익힘으로써 향후 연구를 위한 기초 지식을 습득하도록 한다.
  • 태양광을 이용하여 광합성되는 유기물 및 동 유기물을 소비하여 생성되는 모든 생물유기체(바이오매스)의 에너지를 이해하며 이러한 생물유기체를 각종 가스,액체,혹은 고형연료로 변환하거나 이를 연소하여 열,증기,혹은 전기를 생산하는데 응용되는 화학.생물,연소공학 등을 공부한다.또한,바이오메스가스화,바이오메스 생산공정 등에 대한 원리 및 기술에 대한 내용을 학습하고 응용하는 방법을 습득하는 학문이다.
  • A thesis based on results of experiments conducted for 6-9 months period should be written as part of the requirement for the master's degree in the country of the student's choice. It should be written in English directed by the thesis director. Individual or group work is possible upon permission by the director.