• asia summer program 2024 참가자 모집

KLP Details

The Institute of Foreign Language Education helps students improve their Korean language skills and learn about Korean culture. Its highly experienced instructors and well-equipped facilities create a comfortable learning environment. The multimedia lecture rooms all have audio-visual capabilities for practice with listening and pronunciation. Also, while not in class, students can relax or have some food in the associated cafeteria.

General Course


Curriculum : Level, Course Description
Level Course Description
Beginner 1 This is for beginners who haven't learnt any Korean at all. The focus is on pronunciation, practical vocabulary, sentence structure and simple conversations. There are classes on conversation, grammar, listening, and writing.
Beginner 2 This level uses a textbook focusing on grammar, conjunction, actual conversation, and simple essay writing. There are classes on conversation, grammar, and writing.
Intermediate 1 This level uses a suitable textbook focusing on passive verbs, causative verbs and indirect speech. Students at this level experience notable improvements in their daily communicative abilities.
Intermediate 2 This level uses a textbook focusing on Korean traditional culture, customs, and proverbs. Various kinds of expressions are also covered.
Advanced 1, 2 These levels use textbooks aimed at helping foreigners who want to study Korean professionally. Learners gain insight into the society of Korea, its culture, and its history. Through practicing advanced conversations and essay writing, learners become able to engage with various Korean media outlets such as dramas, movies, newspapers and novels.

Course Schedule

Course Schedule
Semester Studying Period Application Deadline
Fall(10weeks) September to November May 31
Winter(10weeks) December to February
Spring(10weeks) March to May November 30
Summer(10weeks) June to August

Benefits of Korean Language Courses

Korean language courses are especially helpful for anyone planning to stay an extended amount of time in Korea or to work for a Korean company. Some of the many benefits presented by the courses at DSU include:

  • A homeroom-teacher system offering direct interaction and counseling
  • A mentoring system for students in the Chinese Department
  • Multimedia lecture rooms and labs for listening and pronunciation practice
  • Fun and informative chances to experience Korean culture
  • Friendship-building activities and sports
  • Certificates issued by Dongseo University's Institute of Foreign Language Education

Korean Cultural Experiences

All Korean language courses at Dongseo University offer extra-curricular opportunities to learn about Korean culture and to practice Korean language skills in a natural environment. Some regularly offered special events include:

  • Informative presentations on Korean culture
  • Korean culture experiences such as making Kimchi, watching traditional music concerts and performances, touring Busan, etc.
  • Language exchanges (international students and Korean students at DSU are paired to share ideas and cultures while developing language skills)
  • Contests and competitions - singing contests, talent shows, athletic events, etc.