

General Notice Heyoung Campus-Shinhan Bank Promotion for DSU Students

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관리자 2024-09-03 14:28

[Heyoung Campus-Shinhan Bank Promotion for DSU Students]

DSU students can now get a moble student ID card through Heyoung Campus App.

This semester, Shinhan Bank is running a special promotion in collaboration with Heyoung Campus. If you open a bank account at Shinhan Bank and link it to the Heyoung Campus App, you can receive 3,000Won twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday, during this fall semester - until the budget is exhausted.

To participate, simply tap the ‘반값점심’ (Half-Price Lunch) button in the Heyoung Campus (헤이영 캠퍼스) App. You’ll instantly receive 3,000Won as My Shinhan Points, which will be credited directly to your Shinhan bank account. The ‘반값점심’ button is active from 10:00AM to 3:00PM every Tuesday and Thursday, from Sep. 3 to Dec. 31, 2024.

Please note that this event is only accessible while on campu. Since the promotion runs until the budget is exhausted, it’s better to act quickly!

You can open a bank account at Shinhan Bank in person or online through the Shinhan Bank app which offers multi-language support. Your Resident Card will be required to open a bank account. For new students who don’t have a Resident Card yet, the Sasang Branch of Shinhan Bank will accept a passport and certificate of enrollment as substitutes.

-Sasang Branch of Shinhan Bank: https://naver.me/Gj6dQDXt

-Notice from Student Affairs Office in Korean: https://www.dongseo.ac.kr/kr/index.php?pCode=MN2000191&CgCode=&sf=b_subject&skey=%ED%97%A4%EC%9D%B4%EC%98%81&st=and&mode=view&idx=96865