3D Art & Technology Research Lab
In this lab, professors from the Department of Animation (Kim So-jin, Jiang Haitao) and graduate research students create content concepts and modeling projects, use AI engines and game engines and do modeling and texture research in the form of new technology convergence. In addition to studies related to the animation department, there will be multidisciplinary research and projects with the Film & VFX department and the design department. Undergraduate students can also work in this lab if they participate in faculty-graduate research.
About this Research Lab
-Advancement of research and production through study and art activities of professors and graduate students
-Convergence development of AI Engine, Game Engine, Animations, Simulations, and Short video content
This lab is planning to display the research results through modeling, texture, and concept visualization research and use them as promotional materials for the school. We are pursuing creating a research structure that connects professors, graduate, and undergraduate students, strengthening the research capabilities of majors, and solidifying our professional goals and portfolio by collaborating with research companies, professional studios, and CGI-related companies in the future.
Research Areas
Convergence of AI Engine, Game Engine, Animations, Simulations, and Short video content
Production of high-quality content with 3D CGI using the link between majors and research labs, Technology and Trend Research, etc.
Location: NM 601
Collaborating Researcher
Prof. Sojin Kim, Prof. Haitao Jiang, Prof. Sunghoon Cho
Contact: Prof. Sojin Kim @ NM Building Office #613
Email: sojinkim@gdsu.dongseo.ac.kr