

General Notice [2025 Spring Semester] Special Chapel Lecture Notice

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관리자 2025-03-20 15:24

[Notice for English Chapel]

1. Attend Special Lecture on April 2nd (Wed) instead of two Chapel classes
-No Chapel class on April 3rd(Thu) and April 10th(Thu)
-Attend Special Lecture instead of the two classes
*Time: 16:00~17:50, April 2nd(Wed)
*Place: Auditorium on the 5th floor of Industry& Academy Cooperation Hall (Building No. 5)
(See the image below for the place)
+ The Special Lecture day of the Korean-language Chapel course(채플 1~6, not English Chapel) is different.
If you don't know when it is, please visit the IC office.

*If you are absent from this special lecture, it will be marked as two absences
*In the case you have another class then, you can get a card for excused absence in the special lecture to submit to the class you should absent from.
*Because the place changes, you will get a new seat number for the auditorium.
Please check the new seat number in the student support system, referring to the attached pdf manual.
*If you arrive 5 minutes after the special lecture starts, you will not be able to enter the auditorium.

2. Be seated in your seat number in Chapel
The Chapel office will check your attendance by the occpuied seats.
If you sit on another number, you will be marked as absent.
You can check your seat number in the student support system, referring to the attached pdf manual.

3. If you are absent 4 times or more, you will fail in the chapel.
The attedance will be counted from the 1st week.
You can check your absences in the student support system, referring to the attached pdf manual.
If you get 40 subtract points or more, you will fail. ( one absence = 10 subtract points)