

General Notice Notice about 2020-2 The End of A Semester and COVID-19 Test

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관리자 2020-11-18 13:36

Q1. When is the end date of the 2020-2 semester?

A1. The 2020-2 semester ends on December 21, 2020.

Q2. I need to get a COVID-19 test before I leave the country. I'd like to know how and how much the fee of COVID-19 test.

1) You can get a COVID-19 test at Good Samsun Hospital near Juerye Station(주례 좋은삼선병원).
2) The COVID-19 test fee is 150,000 won.
3) You have to go before 3 p.m. on weekdays. If you are examined on a weekday (Mon-Fri), you will get the results the next morning.
 You have to go before 11 a.m. on Saturday. If you are examined on Saturday, you will get the results on Monday morning. You can get a COVID-19 negative confirmation paper from the hospital.
※ We recommend you visit the hospital in person to check the details in advance.