

2021 International College “Digital Arts Show”

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관리자 2022-01-13 11:01

Last Dec. 15, 2021, International college holds a ‘2021 Digital Art show’ at Sohyang Art hall New Millennium 2nd floor. It is for international college Animation & VFX, Film & VFX major international students.


The show is a program of Animation & VFX and Film & VFX students make film or animation what they learned from last year and have a presentation. After the presentation, award to best works. It is 3rd time to hold by this year.


Animation 33 works, Film 24 works, a total of 57 works submitted, and those things were examined by professors & industrial specialists. After the examination, a total of 22 teams got awarded in 11 areas such as Best Picture, Best Director, etc.


Kim Hekyung, Dean of International college said, “It’s so sad whole students can not attend in one place because of covid-19, but it’s so happy through the passionate guidance of professors and student’s effort the level of works improving by every year. I hope students become an excellent specialist in the future.”