

2023 International College Public Speaking Contest

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관리자 2023-11-22 16:48

The "2023 International College Public Speaking Contest" was held, focusing on global issues. The contest, organized for foreign exchange students and Korean students attending International College, took place on November 15.

This inaugural competition aimed to increase interest in the global lingua franca, English, and cultivate the ability of International College students to express their thoughts and arguments in English and present them before an audience. Selected through preliminary rounds, students from eight countries, including Uzbekistan, China, Colombia, Morocco, Indonesia, the Philippines, India, and Malaysia, presented in the final round on November 15.

The theme of the competition, designed to broaden understanding and knowledge of the world, was "Global Awareness." Participants could choose one of two topics, "My Greatest Environmental Concern" or "Should I be Concerned with Cultural Appropriation," to present. The event provided a platform for participants to freely express their opinions on global issues and listen to diverse perspectives presented by other students.

Judging criteria included clarity of English expression, organization of ideas, and effectiveness in communication. Among the eight students who advanced to the final round, Drishti Jay Birje, a computer science major from India, received the top award. Additionally, one student received an excellence award, and another received an encouragement award, with certificates and prize money presented to the winners.