

General Notice Schedule Adjustment for DSU Logo Song Contest

Read 889

관리자 2021-05-18 18:32

Don't forget Logo Song Contest for International Day.
At some participants' request, we have decided to adjust the event schedule.
-Video Submission: by May 23(Sun)
-Voting Period: May 24(Mon) to 25(Tue)
-Award Ceremony: 14:00-15:00, May 26(Wed)
Don't think difficult. Please join us making various versions of the DSU logo song, not only singing or dancing. If necessary, you can change words properly in the provided translation. It will be wonderful if your skills from your major are used for it.
As an example, we made a multi language version. Please enjoy it at https://youtu.be/koR52a6yLT0
For more details, please see my previous notice. Logo song files are attached in the notice at https://uni.dongseo.ac.kr/ic/index.php?pCode=MN0000013&mode=view&idx=1017