

General Notice Check the date change of your 2nd vaccination

Read 553

관리자 2021-09-30 11:38

[Check the date change of your 2nd vaccination]

If your 2nd dose of corona vaccination was scheduled to be after October 11, the date might have been changed.

Because the government is shortening the interval between 1st and 2nd doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines from 6 weeks to 4 or 5 weeks, your 2nd dose might have been moved one week earlier. It is being notified by phone messages one week before the changed date.

If you didn't get any message yet, please check your reservation in the KDCPA system at https://ncvr2.kdca.go.kr/
If you need a help, please visit my office with your reservation number and your ID card.

Please confirm the date and don't miss your 2nd dose of vaccine.