Notices and Activity

General Notice 2022 International Day

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관리자 2022-11-16 22:44

2022 International Day
On September 28th, International College held International Day 2022 on the 2nd floor of IC Building. Foreign students and Korean students enjoyed a late summer afternoon with activities such as flea market, campus busking, foosball contest, street survey and treasure hunt.

Before the event, we contacted students and professors to sort out unwanted clothes and items and opened a ‘one-day vintage store’ in the flea market module with the concept of ‘pro-environmental’, which received a lot of attention and we will use the money received to give back to students for the end of the year Digital Art Show.

Students from different countries have different strengths, characteristics and passions. At the end of September, students and professors showed off their talents. Proficiency or lack of proficiency in Korean, fluency or lack of fluency in English, will not prevent people from communicating in music and games. After warming up in a good atmosphere, students will be better prepared for their studies and work in the fall semester.