

General Notice [Announcement] Dongseo International Design Week 2019: Design as Change Maker

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관리자 2019-08-29 15:00

Dear students,

We'd like to inform you about Dongseo International Design Week 2019. This year, Design College of Dongseo University is collaborating with Asia Design Center for Future. There will be Design Talks (Lecture Series) from professors.

  • Date & Time: Wednesday, 4th of September 2019, 9:30 ~ 17:00.
  • Place: Dongseo University, Cultural Center, Building #16, B1F, Concert Hall. (Please arrive before 9:30)

  • Kwon, Young Gul: "Designer's other name: Change Maker"
  • Ico Migliore: "We all live in Patterns! Innovation is to design human centered patterns."
  • Ding-Bang Luh: "Design as Opportunity Driver."
  • Michael Prince: "Designing for Social Impact"
  • Gu Chuanxi: "To find problem and solve problem."