Student Activity

BDAD Going Global? Branding and Positioning Matter More in Digital World

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관리자 2022-04-06 08:29

Going Global? Branding and Positioning Matter More in Digital World

Lecturer: Prof. Sangwoon Lee, Ball State University

Date: 2021. 11. 24.

In this presentation, global branding and positioning issues in digital environment are examined.  More specifically, these questions were answered, (1) why brand equity matters? (2)  what is global branding? (3) why global brand matters more in digital world? and (4) what is standardization vs. adaptation in global brand launching?

The presentation demonstrates that brand equity is very important concept for marketers since it is a good signal of quality. High brand equity also makes the customers less sensitive to price change and more willing to buy the brand even without much promotion. 

Global branding matters more now because consumers are connected all over the world with social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.) and digital sales channel (e.g. Amazon etc.). So, video, email, content, social media, SEO and mobile marketing are becoming very important tools for global brand managers.

Global brand managers go global due to the growth and survival reasons.  Then, standardization and adaptation of the brand become critical issues since it is likely to determine the brand adoption by the local customers.  Four different global marketing strategies can be used with the cost and the culture in consideration.