

Academic Notice Special Lecture (How to help students to prepare for working life during their academic years)

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GSI 2016-11-28 13:27

GSI would like to announce that there will be a special lecture regarding students’ job related activities. There are many students who want to create and get a good job here in Korea or in their home countries. To help getting more graspable ideas and knowledges, we would like to invite all international and Korean students to the special lecture. Please see the details below

- Title: How to help students to prepare for working life during their academic years
- Professor: Esko Alasaarela
- Schedule: December 1, 2016 (Thursday) / 15:00 – 16:00 pm
- Venue: GSI 704
Cooperation of universities and industry is important for successful research and education. From the students’ point of view it means soft transfer from academic world to their first industrial jobs. There are many ways how universities can build bridges to companies and public organisations and so acquire research funding and focus on contemporary research topics. It must offer benefits to both sides. However, one of the most important beneficiaries of active industry cooperation are the students, who can build their networks to their future employers gradually during their studying years.