

Academic Notice [Computer Eng. Sophomores] Class Schedule for Spring Semester, 2017

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GSI 2017-02-13 18:26

For Computer Engineering Sophomore,

1) You must sign up for 4 major required courses and 2 foundation required courses listed in the table of the file attached.

2) Four Major required courses are "Software Business," "Data Structure and Algorithm," "Software Development Practice 2," and "Self-brand Design 1."

3) Two Foundation required courses are "Public Service 1" and "English Conversation 4"

4) The course "Software Development Practice 2" class will start from the 1st week of the semester, March 2nd to the 7th week of the semester, April 18.

5) The course "Data Structure and Algorithm" will start from the 8th week of the semester, April 9th. And the schedule is of this course is subject to change. According to the course schedule, it opens during the night time. However, it may move to the course hours of the Software Development Pratice 2. Your course professor will inform of the schedule in the first week of the semester.

6) Two major elective courses are "Computer Architecure" and "Wide-area Network Design". They are optional courses, not obligatory.

7) You can sign up up to 18 credits. Therefore you can take liberal arts courses that suits your course schedule. However, don't jeopardize your GPA by taking so many courses.