

Academic Notice Midterm Exam for the 2024 spring semester

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관리자 2024-04-03 10:22

[Midterm Exam for the 2024 spring semester]
April 20-26 is the uMidterm Exam period this semester.
Each course professor determines whether and how the midterm exam will be conducted using the methods below. Please check the E-Class notice and syllabus of each course that you are taking this semester.
-Midterm Exam Period: April 20th (Sat) ~ 26th (Fri), 2024
-How to Conduct (decided by each course professor)
1) Face-to-face exam (offline)
2) Have a class as scheduled
3) Assignment for Midterm
-Please bring your ID card (Residence Card or Passport) with you for the exam.
-Once an exam starts, it is not allowed to go out within 15 minutes from the start and to enter the classroom after 15 minutes from the start