

Academic Notice Reflection on University Life Spring Semester, 2016

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GSI 2016-06-09 13:43

Reflection on University life for spring semester, 2016

GSI is happy to announce a "Reflection" event for the spring semester, 2016 to be held on June 24th. This will be a great opportunity for the students to look back on their academic and non-academic life this semester.

This semester, GSI has more than 80 exchange and degree seeking students. All of the students had a great time participating in curricular and extra curricular activities.

- International Weeks: For two weeks, Forty seven students from nine different countries promoted their own nations and culture. Over 400 students visited the promotion booths.

- Cultural International Special Lectures: This semester, GSI invited various special lecturers. The lectures covered various fields and content to fulfill the interests of GSI students including Korean language, international insights, game contents, music and culture.

- Student Clubs: Five clubs have been opened; Korean Exchange Club, Music Club, Sports Club, PR Club, Volunteer Club
- Study Groups: Five study groups have been organized relating to major studies; One in International Studies, four in Computer Science
- Film Making Support: There are two film-making projects this semester. Film major international students are currently preparing and will shoot a movie during the vacation with the support and funds from GSI .

To celebrate and close out this amazing semester, we have prepared an event for the professors and the students who studied in GSI, and were involved in any of the GSI programs. At the reflection event, project results will be presented and celebration sessions will also be prepared. Professor Myers will present a special lecture . Also there will be opportunities to say farewell to the students who are leaving DSU. After the event, a dinner will be served at the venue. Please see the detailed information below;

- Title: Reflection on the DSU university life in spring semester, 2016
- Venue: RIC center, 2nd Floor New Millennium Blgd. (# 13)
- Schedule: 15:00-17:45 (2 hours 45 minutes) / (Dinner 17:45~18:45)
15:00-15:10Opening and Welcome Speech
15:10-15:50Special lecture
15:50-16:40Study Group Project Presentation
16:40-16:50Introduction to GLAP Instructors and Courses
17:00-17:30Short Movie Screening
17:30-17:45Open MIC (Sharing impression and opinions for the spring semester, 2016)
17:45 Closing
- Contact: Junho Han(Mr.) junhohan@gdsu.dongseo.ac.kr / 051) 320-2746

If you have any further queries about the event, please contact Junho Han at the GSI office.